Cycling in New Tank


I just filled the tank about 24 hours ago. Put in an argonite substrate with a little bit of live sand mixed in. Also, added a couple of Fiji live rock. Should I add a couple of clown fish to help the cycle or wait a week or two. Have been told different stories.??
Water temp 76.9 Ammonia .6 <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Don't add fish! The reason fish are added is for an ammonia source, and to please impatient people. In response to that, there is enough ammonia being produced from the live rock which is where your .6 rating came from, and have patience. Wait until your ammonia and nitrites are 0, then go for the clowns.


i agree with Brooklyn Johnny. with our tank we waited 48 hours to get 3 damsels (BIG mistake) it took us almost a month to get two clowns
you might want to get lr because it cycle your tank


i put in my damsels and clowns in 3 days and it was fine they r still alive. just make sure u remove the chlorine and chloramine ammonia with chemicals.


Damsels will work but I agree that there are much better ways. The high levels of ammonia and nitrites are not good on any fish including damsels. The best way is to use lr or if you have no live rock get a piece of raw shrimp from the grocery store and let it decompose in the tank. This is just as good a source of ammonia. There really is no justification for using live fish to cycle other than being impatient. This is a hobby that cannot be rushed. Start the right way and don't rush things. I have used damsels before but will not do it again.


Thanks for the advice, I will be patient (even if it is killing me) and wait. It seems the live rock 12# and sand are cycling ahead of schedule anyway.