cycling LR............


i want to thank everyone for their advice.....i ordered LR online and it arrived yesterday.....during the week i visited the mess.board and asked questions about LR....i was advised that i should put the LR in a container by itself....i did this yesterday.....this morning i tested the water and the ammonia was past 8.0 ppm....if i would have placed this supposid FULLY CURED LR in my already cycled tank,,,,i think it would have crashed it for sure....thanks for all the advice i just have to wait untill the levels are at 0 and i can place it in my is a pic of the LR cycling....:yes:

jimmy g

I really like the shape of your tank!....If you are cycling your tank then there really is no need to cure the LR in a differant container. But if your tank is already cycled then your doing a great job so far!


thanks jimmy g ......yea my tank already a 32 gal half hex front , flat mirrored back.......


Active Member
The rock may have indeed been fully cured from where you bought it at, but the shipping causes die-off. So when you recieve any LR through the mail you will need to cure it.


went to LFS and bought coral vital to add to LR........also bought a small 1.5# piece of LR to put in with it......should i wait till the ammonia drops in the vat of curring LR or is it ok to put in now....placed it in my main tank for the piece is fully cured and was wraped in a wet paper towel for a 10 min trip.....


i understand that part viper,,,,,,what im asking is can i put a 1.5# piece of cured LR with the curing LR........or do i wait till levels get lower.......


i put 7.5 lbs from my fish store into my tank and it was in the car for 2 hrs with no ammonia of trite spike
if it was already cured you should be fine


its an orbit 36" power compact.......still no one is understanding what im asking
i am cycling LR in a container SEPERATE FROM MY MAIN TANK....
i want to know if it is safe to put a small piece of fully cured LR WITH THE CONTAINER FULL OF CYCLING ROCK............NOT MY MAIN TANK.........
this is the pic of the container......NOT MY MAIN TANK>>>>>


Active Member
:D it would be fine, but why? if it's fully cured then why not put it in the tank?
because it would be wiser to quarantine for a bit.
if you don't have a quarantine tank then i'd do a little time with your uncured stuff. however, by the look of your show tank, id just stick it in. it doesn't look as though there's much to lose so far. just an opinion, good luck!
edit.... the cycled lr should help cycle the non-cycled, however the non-cycled will tend to reverse-cycle the cycled. say that ten times whilst patting belly and head.