Cycling my new tank...


I just bought a 125. The guy had live sand in the tank and kept it wet with his water in a container. I used his sand and have put my live rock ifrom my 72 bow tank. I have damsels in there now. Do you think my tank will cycle or not? Or is it ok to add good fish soon? It has been up and running since Friday. My 72 bow has my good fish in it. I was thinking of draining some of the water from my 125 and adding the 72 bow water to it before I add my good fish. Any suggestions?


Active Member
You should not really cycle your tank with a fish. However I did it because I did not know any better. If I were you I would get rid of the damsel, and cycle the tank with a raw cocktail shrimp. the shrimp will cause the tank to cycle. Also the damsels can become VERY AGGRESSIVE. My damsel killed a copperbanded butterfly in less then an hour.
My suggestion get rid of the fish and use a shrimp. They you should be alright.


I always cycle with damsels. What I am asking is. Do you think the tank will cycle with established live sand and live rock from tanks that have been set up for 3 years or more? I heard sometimes it skips the cycle if you have established sand and live rock???


Active Member
hmm... It could skip a cycle. It could be because the tank is established. If that is the case, then I would slowly start adding fish. I would not worry if a 3 year old established tank does not cycle. If the damsel and the levels are alright, then I would say that the tank is ok to stock. That is just my opinion, someone else might feel different. I don' have experience doing that, I have never cycled a previously established tank.