CYcling new tank. Need help.


I just added about 50 lbs of LR to my tank today bc im going to start cycling soon. After i added it the water turned like a yellow. Not like before when there was other LR in it, but like a different kind. Not foggy, but yellow. And the sandbed is a terible mess with giant chunks of stuff floating around. What can i do to clean up the water and the sandbed. Also there are some wierd things floating around, heres a pic. HELP ME PLZ!!


Active Member
I would not worry about it. Just let your cycle go and all of your levels spike. What kind of water did you use?


unfortunatly tap water.. but i am switching over to RO asap... What do you think about the yellow tint thogh. Im hoping it will go away after either water changes or time.


Active Member
Do you run any carbob? Carbon will probably take the yellow out of the water. If you are cycling, don't do any water changes until your spikes.


hey i had this prob also when i did my first tank. try doing a seach for my name and you will see pics of my tank. after awhile nitrifying bacteria will attach to the particles and wiegh them down. the first few months the sand bed will stirr up easly. my tank has been up and running for a long time. now when i mess with the sand bed everything calms down in minutes. dont worry about it. what kind of sand did you use? the type with water in it? or the dry type? if you used dry arigonite (sp) it will dust up more when you first put in the tank versus the type with water in the bag.


UH, no one has asked about your rock. Where did you purchase it? Had it been cleaned at all first? some rock is -just oh so raw- fresh from the ocean and you get mud, slag, all kinds of stuff, not all of it good. The key is-wait, monitor, change your water. Meanwhile since you dont have any fish in it (?? I assume) Dont worry too much about it.
Your soupd may not clear up for quite a while if the rock is in fact full of organic stuff which dies off as your tank cycles. Let us know how it cleans up!!


k ill keep you posted with pics in a while.... It was dry argonite then live sand from this web site. I am not running carbon but i have some in case i need it. I am going to run that and this phosphate lowering stuff after the cycle whil i get the calcium and alk leveled out for a reef tank. No there are no fish either. thanks for the help


My wife and I set up our first SW tank last night and actually had a very similar problem. As a matter of fact my wife thought I had posted the pic from our tank

We are running carbon and our tank started clearing up late this afternoon. The difference has been very dramatic over the last couple of hours. Apparently patience is the key.