Cycling new tank


New Member
I have a 33 gal tank for fish only. Does the water turn cloudy when the amonia spikes. The tank was clear for about 2 weeks and turned a little cloudy. Amonia is .25 to .50.
Ph is 8.4. Temp is 79.0. No nitrates or nitrites.


Active Member
Usually the tank will become a little cloudy during a cycle but there could be more reasons
like not enough filtratio or powerheads stirring up the sandbed


Are there fish in there? It sounds like you are just beginning to cycle your tank.
Do you have a sand bed? Did you rinse it well? Have you added any chemical sponges without rinsing? Have you fed with any oily fish?
If you put an aqua clear quick filter on your powerhead, it will clean it up quickly-just remember to remove the filter pad when the water clears up as it clogs rather fast.


New Member
There are no fish in the tank. These boards are clear that fish should be added after a good cycle. I have one "aqua clear"powerhead 30 and a "whisper" 40. The power head supposidly pumps 175 gph and the whisper power filter 210 gph. The Whisper has a carbon filter that looks fairly clean.


Good for you! You actually listen to all the great advice people give on these boards, though you have probably read many where people still throw fish in toosoon.
The aqua clear pre-filter is only $7 and the filter pak is $4 for 3 of them. It is a very dense filter pad that will clear the water very quickly. YOu might try it and see. I used it when I set up my newest tank and got lazy and did not rinse my sand as well as I should have.
Any chance your cloudy water could be live rock die off?


Active Member
Any live rock or live sand in your tank? It's great you're not using fish to start cycle but you do need something to get it started, piece of shrimp or just some fish food.
Often you'll see cloudiness from a bacteria bloom which is a good thing.
Since you're seeing some ammonia I would say you're on your way. Just keep checking the numbers and practice patience.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I just started cycling a 10 gal nano setup recently and for about 1 week its water was absolutely clear. I added a piece of raw shrimp to it, and it got cloudy relatively quick once the ammonia started to rise. Prior to adding the shrimp I had barely a trace of ammonia. I used old dead rock that was super clean of any growth, and had been used on a wall display for over 20 years or so...absolutly no growth of any kind on that rock but I did use live sand. So now I am setting here with ammonia off the scale and nitrite levels way up there as well...both over 5. Tank stayed cloudy for about 2 weeks and now its starting to clear up quite a yes the cloudyness is the bacteria and its good.