cycling or not


i did not see the size of your tank in the previouse posts, but it sounds like to me that your flow is pretty low. 200 gph is not a lot. you want to shoot for 20x turnover per hour. That could have somthing to do with your red slime.
ok I want to put another power head in but I'm trying to figure out where to put it because my tank is in a wall between my kitchen and my rec room and you can seeit on one end so 3 sides are visible and I don't want it to look ugly with wires all over. I guess I could put it up at the top on the one end that you can see I have the one power head oabout 1/2 way down on the other end so would that be ok and would the one I have plus a maxijet 900 be enough?


if your tank is 90 gallons then you need anywhere from 1400 to 1800 gallons per hour flow rate. If your concerned about wires, then I would get one really nice power head. look at the 'Turbelle ® Stream 6060'. it will give you the flow you need and it is excellent quality.
hi everyone, well my tank finally cycled 8/7 so I added my hippo, clown, shrimp, star polyp and mushroom rock back. My readings were ammon 0, trites 0, trates 0, ph 8.4 alk norm, now today 8/11 my readings are ammon 0.25, trites 0.1, trates low 25 high 5.0, ph 8.0, alk norm. I going to do a water change tomorrow how much should I do? is 6 gal. enough on a 90. I want to put some pics on to show everbody my tank but don't know how if anybody can help I'd appreciate it


most pics have to be downsized before they will be able to be posted. there is a program on called ifranview32 which is very good and easy to use if you need a program to do it.
also I think you need to go higher then 6 gallons ammonia has showed up again which means another mini cycle. whats is happening when you added them all back at one time the bacteria didnt have enough time to grow and accomadate the new bioload. until it does this you are still going to have those readings.
I would do atleast a 25% water change and then retest in the morning and if needed do another and keep doing this until it works itslef out.
hi everybody I did a 20% water change on my 90 gal. on the 12th on the 13th my readings were amon 0.25, trites 0.1, trates l 25 h 5.0, ph 8.0, alk norm, today the 17 th my readings are amon 0 ish, trites 0.1 trates l25 h 5.0 ph 8.0 alk norm fish and corals seem to be ok how often should I do water changes to get this down or is it cycling again. and if thats the case if I want to buy the u build it fron this site how am I going to add what I get so it won't spike? thanks appreciate the help.


I would do 10-20% daily for a few days after all readings are at 0 then I would wait a couple of weeks to make sure that its going to stay that way and then order the critter package. the dont put a big bioload so I think after that time youll be alright just keep an eye on it to make sure.
Ok I did a 10% water change yesterday(18) today is the 19th the readings are ammon 0 ,trites 0.1 ,trates L25 h5.0 ,ph 8.0 ,alk norm so should I keep doing a water change for the next couple of days or do I do it till the levels are 0. and I have bio balls in my wet/dry filter does that make a difference. it seems like most of the people on here don't use the filter that way


Active Member
stangbabe - I would do not use bioballs so I will leave that advice to someone else.
Personally I woudl be concerned you are still show nitrites. I think you should take your water to a differnt LFS that uses a different test kit and have them test for ammonia, trites and trates .....
you should not have nitrites @ this point ....also - have you added some more water movement??? Water changes are nice but they won't help if your water is too stagnant....
no I only have the 1 power head and its ony 200gph I'm looking on ---- for some cause there so expencive at the lfs. I found a couple that are 400gph would that be good and how many and should I hold off on the water changes for now? I've also have in my wet/dry an ammonia & phospate sponge its like a sheet, and something called ALGONE the water clalifier and nitrate remover and some other ammon & nitrite remover thats a pillow type. maybe I should take this stuff out I've heard of some on here saying some of that stuff lets it leak back in wants its used up . thanks for your help


Active Member
yes - you should remove the filter media - especially if it has been in there for a while. I usually run my filter media for 2-3 weeks then I run my HOB empty for week (on my 20) and then I put in new filter with crabon after a week or so ....
ALso - powerheads are not that expensive ... comparatively. I would look @ trying to get one that is lower flow near the sand bed (not too close or you get a storm) and you get one mind tank and one on top.
thanks I'll do that . I just changed the amon & phos. pads the other day but I have had that product in there for a couple of weeks or a month but changing it every week or so. should I still take out the pads? would the 200 gph be ok for the bottom it saise it does 48 gph at 2 1/2 feet, 95gph at 1 ft, and 152gph at 0 feet. would this be to slow for the bottom?