Cycling Process? how long?


No, my lfs didn't help So I put my fish back in the tank and he is doing fine, but the coral is still living in the bucket. The coral is opening and seems to be ok. Hope the tank cycle ends soon. Thanks again!


so my tank is still cycling
but I was wondering if I should try to get my calcium, alk, & ph balanced or if I should wait until the tank has finished cycling?


Originally Posted by Nancysalt
so my tank is still cycling
but I was wondering if I should try to get my calcium, alk, & ph balanced or if I should wait until the tank has finished cycling?

I would wait till it's finished cycling. There is no point when there is really nothing in it right?


Let it finish cycling, after a week where your ammonia and nitrites read 0. Then do a 30% water change and this will help bring your chemistry back in line and reduce your nitrates. The test the next day after the water change to see if you need to suppliment with alkalinity and calcium suppliments.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Let it finish cycling, after a week where your ammonia and nitrites read 0. Then do a 30% water change and this will help bring your chemistry back in line and reduce your nitrates. The test the next day after the water change to see if you need to suppliment with alkalinity and calcium suppliments.
Agreed. Make sure your nitrates aren't too high, like around 20-30 (that us way high in my book though) and then you can add your stuff.


New Member
Originally Posted by vtfishies
i started my cycle 10 days ago..with 2 raw uncooked shrimp..cycled after 9 days..even the pet store checked..everything at is 8.0 temp is 78... some say put 1 shrimp per 50 gal. i used 2 due to i have a 75 gal...
Do the shrimp stay in for very long?
I am setting my tank up again after fixing a leak with toxic silicone and killing my fish. then the right stuff. I rinsed myCC and LR


If there is anything left of the shrimp after a week you can remove whats left.


ok :jumping: my tank is almost done cycling I think. This is the readings
ammonia .50
nitrites .0 to .25
nitrates 10
Why is my ammonia still up? is it just not done cycling or is it somthing else?


Originally Posted by Nancysalt
ok :jumping: my tank is almost done cycling I think. This is the readings
ammonia .50
nitrites .0 to .25
nitrates 10
Why is my ammonia still up? is it just not done cycling or is it somthing else?

Assuming that nothing is dying, it is not done