cycling question


I will tell you what I have done to set up my 100 gallon tank and you tell me how long you think it is going to take to cycle. First of all I am sorry...but I went against the norm and added 100 lbs of cc for substrate. I pondered and thought about this whole thing for a month. If things go wrong with this set up then I will post an I am sorry I didn't listen topic....until then I am going to give this a try. Along with that I have added off the bat around 40 to 50 lbs of live rock. I have two 1140 penguin powerheads and one 400 Emperor going. I will be adding another Emperor plus a protien skimmer. I added some of my cc from my existing tank to help it along. I also added a thing called saltwater biozyme which helps with the baterical process. It has been up and running for about roughly a 10-12 days. I have checked the water from day five on and not once have I seen anything go up. The ammonia level, nitrites,nitrates are all zero. Ph is around 8.2. The five damsels, two blue and three dominos are doing great. The live rock is great. My question here is when am I gonna notice the levels going up? Did they already with all I put in? It seems too quick but I am just asking what you think. Thanks as always......Kelly
I would ditch the cc now instead of later. I did what you did and it was a pain in the ass especially once you get corals.
I would also get more lr if you can about a 100 more pounds.


I disagree, if you like cc keep it. My reef is doing nicely now at almost two years old and my CC has never caused any problems for me. Plus I think it looks better. I have sand in the 10 gallon and it looks like crap. As far as the cycle, just keep an eye on the levels for a bit longer. You have a lot to work with, filling that thing up. Take it slowly.


Well thank you for the replies. I will continue to watch it. I have tried to get on this board since last night and getting no where til now. I hope that was everyone's problem...not just mine. I have another 40lbs of live rock in my 29 gallon which will go in there...but afraid to take it out for now as the fish in there now won't have any hiding places. I intend to fill this tank with lots more live rock...but I know it will take time. It is a big area to cover. Reason I chose to set this one up for reef is because of the hight...think it would do better then fish only. I am still debating on lights any added advice on that would be great. Have a great holiday everyone. :) Kelly


KRRECTOR: Just wanted to let you know I had the same problem accessing this board AND the entire site yesterday & today...glad to hear it wasn't just me...Good luck with your CC! :)


Active Member
You probably wont see an ammonia or nitrite spike with that amount of rock and a light bioload. The bacteria you need is most likely already present to handle any waste produced. The cc bed is harder to keep clean unless you REALLY REALLY stock lightly with fish.