I have a 28g nano cube set up for one week now, 39lbs live rock, stock filter removed and live rock rubble in place of it. 20lbs of live sand. I also have one flame tail blenny who hitchhiked in my live rock and is now in my tank. I also have seen one tiny snail, some zoos, and mushroom corals, all open and doing fine. after one week my ph remains at 7.7, ammonia remains at 0, as well as nitrites, nitrate <12.5. I did one water change today of 5 gallons because of slightly cloudy water. my only problem is getting a stable temp. that I plan to solve with a jbj mini artica chiller. So when should I see the tank begin to cycle. is it always necessary to see the ammonia and nitrites rise and fall for the tank to cycle?