cycling question?


Active Member
Originally Posted by longislandmike http:///forum/post/3200676
Hi, Thank you all for your input on this. I have always used tank water when I could, if I had the chance. I tried to used it because one of my LFS tried selling me cycled water one time. It was bottled up (not there water) I am not sure what company it was, but it was very expensive. I figured it would be like adding live rock or live sand?
I am new to this site, and I have learned so much from you all.
Thank you again
LI Mike
I sure would avoid any lfs that sold "cycled" water. I think I'll start selling "parasite free" water and make a killing. Water doesn't cycle, the tank does. Knowing how a nitrogen cycle works is vital for success in this hobby; selling "cycled" water sure doesn't help in that learning process. Here's a thread that gives some info: An important basic fact about the nitrogen cycle: the bacteria that does the work for us lives in the rock, substrate, filter media, etc. there is very little in the water. You could remove all the water from a cycled tank, replace it with freshly made saltwater and still have a fully cycled tank capable of supporting a full tank of life. You could not take the water from a cycled tank, put it into a bare tank (or a tank with "new' rock & sand) and expect it to support much of anything.