Cycling Questions



Hello All,
I have my live sand and live rock in my 55gal display with 39gal fuge.
My ammonia levels never spiked higher than .25 I was testing every other day and it has not changed. I have had my live sand i for 3 weeks and my live rock in for two weeks.
Is this normal?
Also. When is OK to put a cleanup crew in my tank? Won't they help get my ammonia levels to zero?
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Don't worry, with that uncured live rock you put in there, your tanks gonna cycle. Whats your nitrite and nitrate if any? IMHO take out any charcoal or other chemical filtration and just use biological until you get a nitrate reading and ammonia and nitrite go to zero.
Dont add a cleaning crew until theres somebody to clean up after.


Active Member
Don't put a clean up crew in until ammonia and nitrite are at 0. As soon as the nitrates go up you should have an algae outbreak and at that point it would be okay to add a clean up crew. I added my a few days before I added any fish.
Good luck