Cycling Questions


New Member
I'm in the process of ordering all the equipment to set up my 46 bowfront. I filled it with tap water last night to make sure it didn't leak - so far so good!!!

Anyway, I haven't decided for sure on lights yet. If I get the rest of the stuff in before I have my lights, can I start cycling the tank without them, or do the lights need to be on while it's cycling?
Also, do I run the skimmer while it's cycling or leave it turned off, or does it matter?


You can cycle with the lights off. You can also cycle without the skimmer on, as the skimmer will remove dissolved organic carbon. That organic carbon creates ammonia as it dissolves, kick starting the nitrogen cycle. So, in my (less than expert) opinion, running the skimmer actually slows the cycle process. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
You can cycle with the lights off. You can also cycle without the skimmer on, as the skimmer will remove dissolved organic carbon. That organic carbon creates ammonia as it dissolves, kick starting the nitrogen cycle. So, in my (less than expert) opinion, running the skimmer actually slows the cycle process. Good luck!

bang guy

Some people have found this helpful ---> Bang Guy's Cycle Method
I have had the best outcome and healthiest tanks long term when cycled with the skimmer and doing lots of water changes during the cycle to keep ammonia low.