Cycling questions


New Member
I am currently week 2 into cycling my 29g bio cube and I have had a diatom bloom now turning into green algae. My question is I have had no spikes at all in my testings and I test everyday except for 3 straight days I missed. I have took my water to the lfs to make sure my testing kit is accurate and they got same results. Any idea why have not had any spikes.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537494
I am currently week 2 into cycling my 29g bio cube and I have had a diatom bloom now turning into green algae. My question is I have had no spikes at all in my testings and I test everyday except for 3 straight days I missed. I have took my water to the lfs to make sure my testing kit is accurate and they got same results. Any idea why have not had any spikes.


Welcome to the site,

What did you use to kick start the cycle?


New Member
I used live rock and had dry sand but seeded it with live sand from lfs. Also have a damsel in there with a crab. I know the damsel isn't the idea thing to cycle with but the wife didn't want to have the smell of raw shrimp in there.

bang guy

The live rock may have been cured enough that it didn't have excessive dieoff and also had an adequate bacteria population.


New Member
All the live rock I had in there was all covered in coraline algae which was about 15 pounds and then I put about 8 pounds of dry rock. Do you think my cycle is over with our what. And do you think it would be safe to go buy a CUC this week


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537501
All the live rock I had in there was all covered in coraline algae which was about 15 pounds and then I put about 8 pounds of dry rock. Do you think my cycle is over with our what. And do you think it would be safe to go buy a CUC this week


No, the rock was not enough if you never got any reading at all, you have no readings because nothing is happening. Coraline algae is not an indicator that the rock can cycle your new tank. You still need to kick start the cycle. You can ghost feed for a week or so and watch for ammonia....or

IMO the quickest method....Put a chunk of raw shrimp in the tank...test ammonia...when it goes to 1.0, remove the shrimp and keep testing ammonia until it drops back down to 0, then test for nitrites, when that drops to 0...test for nitrates, if it's over 10, do a water change. Then for 1 week ghost feed an invisible fish with flake food...test all three again, if nitrites and ammonia are still 0 then your tank is cycled. You can ONE fish, just the one...wait for a week or two then you can add a second fish, and so on until the tank is stocked.

Now is a good time to start your quarantine tank...not only will it keep the display healthy, but it will help you regulate how fast you add new critters. Too much, too soon, is the #1 cause for beginner tanks to crash.


New Member
I have been feeding the damsel every 2 days I thought having the damsel in there would kick start the cycle but I guess not. I'll wait until there is a spike


New Member
I appreciate the help. I guess I'll add half of my CUC and if there is a spike then I won't be out to much. Think that's a good idea


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537504
I have been feeding the damsel every 2 days I thought having the damsel in there would kick start the cycle but I guess not. I'll wait until there is a spike

LOL...I totally missed the damsel. I thought the ONLY thing in the tank was rocks and sand. Did you edit the post???? How the heck could I miss that? I must be getting old.


Well-Known Member
Just be careful. I went through almost the exact same thing as you with my 36g in the beginning. I felt comfortable adding a fish and cuc. Then came the full spike and I lost everything.

I think you remember that Flower. I had my own meltdown when it happened.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537526
Lol I don't believe I edited. But do you think I'm OK to add CUC.
I think adding a small CUC would be fine, just don't overdo it because there's not a lot to clean up yet. Snails would be good.

Before adding a fish I would overfeed the Damsel for a week or two to increase the bacteria populations. Start with just a tiny amount and once you're feeding enough for two fish without any ammonia showing up you're ready for another fish.


I actually had the same exact thing happen.....I never had the initial cycle either due to the live rock. I started showing nitrates but never any ammonia. The tank is now over 4 months old without any issues relating to the cycle.


New Member
I I actually had the same exact thing happen.....I never had the initial cycle either due to the live rock.  I started showing nitrates but never any ammonia.  The tank is now over 4 months old without any issues relating to the cycle.
did you ever have any spike or loss in fish


Well-Known Member
If you have algae you can start building the CUC, but go slow so they have enough to eat.

Just for information:
Lots of tanks have cycled with live rock and sand, but it's best to never trust it right off. Ghost feed the tank for at least a week after you think the tank has cycled (even if you used a live fish or a chunk of raw shrimp), and then check for spikes of ammonia, If you have nitrates and no ammonia...the tank is cycled, since nitrates is the last stage of the cycle before it becomes a harmless gas.

There will always be a balance, the amount of good bacteria is always equal to the amount of waste produced. This is why you should only add one new fish at a time, it gives the system time to adapt to the new bio-load, producing enough good bacteria to handle it.


Originally Posted by Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537550
did you ever have any spike or loss in fish

No...never experienced ANY ammonia or nitrites (or nitrates anymore). I am up to 4 fish with a full CUC. Just add the fish slowly and monitor the water after each addition to make sure the bacteria is keeping up with the bio-load. Good quality live rock already has a ton of bacteria on it (assuming it doesn't die off during the shipping process).


Well-Known Member
Quote:Originally Posted by Pstanley http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537571
No...never experienced ANY ammonia or nitrites (or nitrates anymore).  I am up to 4 fish with a full CUC.  Just add the fish slowly and monitor the water after each addition to make sure the bacteria is keeping up with the bio-load.  Good quality live rock already has a ton of bacteria on it (assuming it doesn't die off during the shipping process).

It is entirely possible that your algae on the live rock prevented all ammonia and nitrItes spikes. that is the normal cycle with effective plant action like macro or other algaes.
my .02


New Member
At 3 weeks and no spikes have a CUC and over feeding and still nothing. Nothing but green algae now so everything is looking pretty good