Originally Posted by
Carolinaboy704 http:///t/397003/cycling-questions#post_3537501
All the live rock I had in there was all covered in coraline algae which was about 15 pounds and then I put about 8 pounds of dry rock. Do you think my cycle is over with our what. And do you think it would be safe to go buy a CUC this week
No, the rock was not enough if you never got any reading at all, you have no readings because nothing is happening. Coraline algae is not an indicator that the rock can cycle your new tank. You still need to kick start the cycle. You can ghost feed for a week or so and watch for ammonia....or
IMO the quickest method....Put a chunk of raw shrimp in the tank...test ammonia...when it goes to 1.0, remove the shrimp and keep testing ammonia until it drops back down to 0, then test for nitrites, when that drops to 0...test for nitrates, if it's over 10, do a water change. Then for 1 week ghost feed an invisible fish with flake food...test all three again, if nitrites and ammonia are still 0 then your tank is cycled. You can ONE fish, just the one...wait for a week or two then you can add a second fish, and so on until the tank is stocked.
Now is a good time to start your quarantine tank...not only will it keep the display healthy, but it will help you regulate how fast you add new critters. Too much, too soon, is the #1 cause for beginner tanks to crash.