Cycling Rock


New Member
I have a 55g tank I've had for a few months now. I'm moving in a few weeks, and when I get to my new place I'm going to set up a 125 gallon. I recently bought a bunch of live rock off of someone breaking down their aquarium (about 100lbs) and I have it in a big rubbermaid container in saltwater with some powerheads on it (to keep it in good shape).
My seahare (nudibranch) in my main tank just died, so I thought if I put it's body into the rubbermaid container with the lr it would give some decaying food to the bacteria I want to establish and therefore ultimately make the cycle in my 125 shorter.
Am I thinking this through correctly? It seems like giving the bacteria food will be beneficial for them, but I'm not sure if I might be overlooking something.


Active Member
Don't add anything to the live rock in the container. Without lighting you are having enough die-off to keep your bacteria alive I'm sure. You can always add a bit of food to the container to feed the rock.
Nudibranchs can exude a toxin when they die. Best to get it far, far away from your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sid67ii
Wow, thank goodness I asked! I'll stick with the little pieces of food route.
Yup. Cucumbers, Sea Apples, and Nudibranchs all exude toxins. Sea Apples and some of the Nudibranchs are the worst. Remove a dying one immediately to a QT tank and try to save it there. Do not allow one to die in your tank.