cycling to late to add??

finally i get to post!! signed up 3 days ago!!
anyways so far i like the forum (besides it toook 3 days)
started a 46gal bow front sat night. i have 3 damsels and about 512lbs of lr and im sure when my lil girl (shes 3)see it shes going to want to put something in. its cycling well and on time.(thank god) ques is, is it to late to add another lr or should i just try for sure dec coral. i can keep her away from fish but she always has to get something when we go to the lfs.
also i have a skilter (yeh i know,read all the post) im looking into skimmers and was wondering do i need one yet or can i wait till twards the end of the cycling till i need one. i saw an artical where this guy fix one (skillter) so it would work without all the noise and bubbles. i have all the extra parts to do this,and was going to try it for awhile till i can get to money for another what do yall think??
i saw a skimmer its a jb2003 (i think thats right) does anyone know if theses are any good. they were pretty cheap thats why i was wanting to know.
thanks for any help..


You should not need to run a skimmer tell after you cycle is over. Running a skimmer during the cycling process can acually prolong the length of the cycle.
add all the rock you want. Better to add it while cycling then after just in case it has something dieing on it. Don't run a skimmer till later and as far as cheaper skimmers go I have a sea clone 100(which everyone knocks) but it works great and was around 100 at a LFS so should be cheaper on line.


Definiately add more rock now. Better now than once you add more inhabitants. I have two girls also and they cant wait to put stuff into the tank. My only suggestion is to make sure you make the final call. Dont let your kids chosse something that is inappropriate for your setup. BTW, I also have a 46 bow. i love it. Good luck, I hope it is very successful.

sinner's girl

Why do you have fish in the tank if it is still cycling?
FYI: cycling can kill/harm fish most of the time. Not all die, some live through it. but in the future, use lr or dead shrimp from the store to cycle the tank.
Add all the lr you want if it's still cycling, it will help the cycle, esp if the lr is un-cure.
Once your cycle is over, you'll have to make sure the lr you add is cured (or it may cause a mini-cycle). if you buy it un-cure, cure it before adding it to your main tank.
Please don't add anymore fish or any inverts till the cycle is complete.
Good luck and welcome to the board.


To add to Sinners Girl's comments, once the tank has cycled, take your time. Let your tank mature and add stuff slowly.
thanks for all yalls help
sorry if that i didnt read the thread about adding shrimp i had it set up already and fish in it before i saw that..
but everything i read before that said add some fish..
guess no one has heard of the JB2003 skimmer??
saw it on ---- for like 20somehting.
anyways thnk if i add it'll just be some dec coral. dont think i want to much more live rock although i saw some great ones at pet land today(go fig) but they were cured and nicer then most lfs ive seen. (may have to get one??)
all is looking good so far!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!:D :rolleyes: :p
just saw something
whats the diff between uncured and cured live rock??


You have live rock that is fully cured -this could include coralline algea,sponges,worms, tiny inverts like pods, and of course bacteria and any form of other algeas.
You can have uncured live rock - this might be rock that has had die off and now smells bad and would be giving off ammonia and would be in need of recuring. There would be on this rock bacteria, some sponges could still be living on it, maybe some coralline aglea and other forms of algea. This rock needs to spend some time in a vat with a protien skimmer and a good scrub brush to get those dieing oganisims off.
Unseeded live rock - this could be the baserock that has been through a cycle of 2 months, this rock would have nothing except the benificial bacteria, and some algea.
Seeded live rock - to me this means that you have uncured or unseeded rock that is being seeded by fully cured ready to rock and roll live rock with all the benificial stuff we hope will some day be growing on our rocks.
BTW Welcome to the Board :)