i used both cured and uncured live rock when cycling my tank. IME and IMO, uncured will yeald better results. More die off to kick off the cycle, and IMO, more of the critters on the rock will survive than with alrady cured rock.
Here is my thinking for the above opinion.
assuming 10 is the amount of living critters on uncured live rock, and half dies during curing, then 5 will be the amount of living critters on cured rock.
When you introduce a cured rock in a cycling tank, some of it will die probably during transport. lets say you are left with 4.
When you put in uncured live rock in your cycling tank, you will have killed 1 in transport as above, so you will be starting with 9 on your rock when you put it in your tank. and will be left with half after the rock cures leaving you with 4.5
probably not that much difference, but the above is just an opinion with meaningless values.
In my expereince with uncured live rock, I was able to get haitian rock both cured and uncured. the cured, by visual inspection, had much less life on it, and the uncurred, by nasal inspection, had much more dead organisms on it. after my tank has cycled, the uncured (now cured) live rock looks to have more life than the cured rock obtained (by life i mean different colors on the rock)
If you are cycling, and are not worried about an ammonia spike or are trying to introduce one, get the uncured. Easier on your wallet, and it wont hurt anything else in your tank (if you dont have fish in there already)