Cycling With Tap Water


I am aware that tap water is very bad for your tank! I will by a r/o filter, but could use my money to get other things for my tank right now. My question is will tap water interfer with my cycling process. My plans are to buy l/s and l/r this weekend get the tank cycling, when it is finished do 2 large water changes over the next few weeks with the r/o water. Does any one see anything wrong with doing it this way other then wasting money on salt?
Also these Typhoon3 r/o filters that I here alot of you talking about, where can I find these, I would like to price shop? Any input would greatly help...THANKS


Active Member
No it won't interfere with the cycle unless there are noticeable amounts of ammonia and nitrites in the tap. What you will run into is an algae war in the first couple months of your tank due to phosphates and other impurities in the water. I can almost garauntee that.... It will take off quite quickly.


Well-Known Member
I have used straight tap water for years in various cities in the US. So I would just tap water and establish a thriving plant growth. Then you can use that money for processed water for more important things. And the plants will prevent tha algea war mentioned.


If I get a algae problem at 1st due to the tap water, after the cycling process will a clean up crew help with the problem? I will start to cycle r/o water in, but right now if I went to the local store and bought 100gal of r/o it would be half the cost of a r/o unit.. any more input would be a great help..thanks all


but could use my money to get other things for my tank right now
aside from your inhabitants the two single most important parts of your setup is the tank and the water. For a hundred bucks you can get an ro/di. With all that you are spending on your tank it would be a shame to cut back on that part. I just think down the road you will be sorry you didn't get one. Just my humble opinion of course.


Active Member
Its fine to use tap to cycle. You have to cycle the tank anyways. If you get algae problems then the key to getting it under control is yes the cleanup crew and ro water. Also control the lights, no more than 10 hours a day, and make sure not to over do the feeding.
If you go beaslbobs route it implys that you will spend money on extra plumbing,pumps, and a sump to start a refugium. Its a "advanced" setup. Its not hard but just as expensive as a RO unit. You really just need the ability to do 10-20 gallons a week. Look also at your priorities. Are you really going to do water changes every week or once a month? Another factor is evaporation in a given day/week. If you run an open top then you will have alot more evaporation. Closed top is much less. If you have a reliable source of RO water then y get your own unit? If you befriend the LFS they will sometimes not charge you for water. Just some things to keep in mind.


What I am going to do for now, is start my cycle with tap water, after its complete I will do 25% water changes with r/o for the next 4 weeks.. My lfs will sell me there r/o water for $2.45 for a 5 gal jug, and they are located only 1 mile down the road so thats nice. I will not interduce anything in the tank except maybe a cleaning crew until the entire tank is r/o. Thanks again for all your comments.


Active Member
Certain areas have tap water that is pure enough to use. But those are few and far between. There are elements in tap water that aren't even testable that can be harmful.
There have been numerous posts here about people reporting dying stock in their tanks, bad algae outbreaks, etc... Many of those have been traced back to the utilization of tap water.
If you are going to use tap, have it tested first. Also, you can go to your water authority and ask for detailed test results on it.
If putting that much money into a tank, why would you want to take the risk, when you can buy RO water for $.25-$.35 per gallon?