Cycling ?


I have been cycling my 125 gallon FOWLR tank for about 2 1/2 weeks now. I bought 45 lbs of FIJI live rock and two damsels. One damsel died first night b/c I believe he got sucked up in the overflow box
The other one is doing fine. I am feeding him every day ect. Salinity and temp are ok. After 2 1/2 weeks however Ph is 8.2, Nitrite 0, Ammonia is 0, and Nitrates are 0. This is the same as when I tested in 2 weeks ago. How home my cycle is starting yet. Brown algea is growing and it might be starting to turn a greenish tint. What do you guys think? I know I have to be patient but Im just worried that the cycle hasnt happened yet.


Active Member
I would have to say that it probably hasn't happened yet because if it had then the nitrates would be high. Maybe you could try putting a cocktail shrimp in there to make sure because the ammonia should have spiked by now if it was cycling. Other then that I think your fine, just be patient.

bang guy

I think you're fine. I'd just be patient though and let the tank mature a bit more.
What are your plans for this system?


Im not really sure.....once my tank is cycled I will prolly get the yellow tailed damsel out because he will be a pain in the a, im sure......I will eventually need more live rock cause what I have now is not that great but I am trying to make do what I got....maybe x-mas another 45 lbs....I will have to post pictures....My first fish is either going to be a huma-huma, niger, or tank raised clown fish or 2. Any suggestions on what would be better. I love triggers and I really want to get at least one but I dont want to corner myself and get an aggressive fish and not be able to add anything else. What do you guys think. I have some hidding spots in the tank but really not that many until xmas where I can prolly get more rock.


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank, and I was told that if I want to do a reef tank I have to have 110lb of live rock, 2 times the rock per gallon, if I want to do that. Is this true, or am I ok if I have 50lbs to 80lbs?
Thanks for your help!

bang guy

Reef tanks have no specific live rock requirement. Whatever you think looks nice is the right amount.

bang guy

Originally Posted by MJordan23
My first fish is either going to be a huma-huma, niger, or tank raised clown fish or 2. Any suggestions on what would be better. I love triggers and I really want to get at least one but I dont want to corner myself and get an aggressive fish and not be able to add anything else. What do you guys think.
I suggest asking this as a seperate question in the Aggressive Forum.


it'll be fine, a tank that big, you may not even notice any effects of ammonia at all, my 55 cycled, and i never even knew it.