cycling ??


i just put a 55 gal. tank in the wall, i used about 20 gal of water out of my 125gal established tank. do you think my 55 will cycle?? TIA


Active Member
Of coarse it will cycle. Do you have sand in it? Rock? Did you seed it with sand from the other tank? Are thier fish or dead shrimp in it? Need more info.


if you asking if your tank will cycle any faster...the answer is maybe...
I used premixed r/o sw from my lfs in my 10g hospital tank. It still went through a mini-cycle...I put in fresh aragonite and about 3 or 4 lbs of LR. It took about a week or two to cycle completely. A bit faster than if I had done it with my own water and mixed it myself..


Active Member
you need to add a source of ammonia to start the cycle, like raw grocery store shrimp or uncured LR.


Active Member
Seed from the other tank will give it a good kick.
Was the rock cured or uncured? Uncured will bring dye off and ammonia. But, you will need to keep it going after the cycle. Add fish then.