Cylcle Help!! Params on Rise!!


Hi all i'm 2 weeks into cycling my tank and the water readings are all high today. 24Gal Nano Cube. Cycling with live rock and sand, phantom feeding brine shrimp.
the params are:
PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 4.0
Nitrite: 5.0
Nitrate: 20
SG: 1.029
Temp: 82
Is this normal for cycling? Should i do a water change now or is it too early in my cycle?
Thanks in advance!!!


Active Member
To save some of the critters in the LR you might want to do a water change now. After the change challenge the cycle by phantom feeding again and see where your levels are at.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbonerd
complete water change or just a partial?
A 15% water change should do it.


i did the suggested 15% water change and the params right after the change are as follows:
PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 2.0
Nitrite: 5.0
Nitrate: 20
SG 1.025
Temp: 81
The ammonia has gone down a bit...all others are still the that how its supposed to be? will the other levels go down in time?


Active Member
Just let the readings run their course...that's what the cycle is all about. Once they zero out and stabilize for a couple of weeks...cycle complete.
One red flag that I noticed on your "before" parameters was the SG...ideally you would like to get those stabilized at between 1.023-1.026. Of course that depends on what kind of a tank you're going for. Lower for FOWLR, higher for reef and inverts.
Best of luck with your new venture.
Lisa :happyfish


yeah it was a little high because of the evaporation...after i changed the water i measured it and it was fine...