Cylindrical tanks

Yeah, this is a question over what you think is better for the fish, cylindrical and tall, or just the regular rectangular long tanks? It almost seems that fish would think they have more room with cylindrical becuase it is a neverending turn, but is this true?
Is the distorted view you get from a cylinder just a side of helping out the fish?


Active Member
Fish like the longer rectangular tanks with a long stretch from side to side to swim in. I would not get a cylinder tank unless it is really big like 300 gallons. Fish don't like being in a round cylinder fish bowl type tank.These tanks are to please the human, not the fish.


Originally Posted by butters
did the fish tell you that?
fish tanks in general are to please humans, not the fish ;)
But you should only take that so far.
IMO taller tanks are a pain to clean (you have to submerge your whole arm at points) and just don't suit fish. Most species are accustomed to moving from side-to-side, not up and down. Although the same in terms of gallonage, it will restrict what you can and can't own. Finding equipment that fits cylindrical tanks is also problematic.
Also, there is less surface gas-exchange and that's not to healthy either.
On the other hand, if you absolutely must have a cylindrical tank, it can be done with some willingness to mod equipment and sacrifice some fish varieties.


a tall tank would also not have much floor space for rocks and such. so would not be good for a reef
a short large diameter circle would work, not very room friendly tho lol