Cyno bacteria or diatoms?

don trinko

I have 2 sw tanks (20 and 75) both are 3 months old. Both use the same salt mix and ro water. The 20 got some red/maroon on the sand but it disapeared. The 75 has it and even after I remove it it comes back.
Several have suggested that I do not have enough flow in that area (middle of the tank) so I added a 160 gph power head pointing to that area. ( total flow is 350,300,300,100,160= 1210, 1 filter ,4 power heads). Others have suggested to much nutrition in the water. My nitrates are 5.
The tank has 5 green cromis, 3 pj cardinals, 1 firefish, 1 royal gramma, 2 clowns, 2 pepermint shrimp, 2 cames shrimp, 1 turbo snail , 3 dwarf hermit crabs and 8 sand stiring snails.
Any Ideas? Thanks; Don T.


If it's red/maroon color, it's more than likely cyano, but obviously can't tell without pics.
Test your phosphate levels. That's what cyano needs to thrive.

don trinko

It looks a little like that but is redder and covers the sand almost completly in that area.
I do not have a phosphate test kit but I mixed the sw mix with ro and I use the same mix in the 20g tank and do not have a problem in the 20. The 20 is more or less my QT tank and has 1 clown,4 shrimp, 2 hermits and a few snails.
I'm going to order a bigger power head and a phosphate test kit.
Thanks; Don T.


Active Member
your food will add phosphates unless you make it yourself.
you are still a little light on water movement. 1500gph would be a more ideal total for your tank, 2100 would be better.
in my 90 i have 2 hk4's at 1200 each, and one modded maxijet for 2100, plus my return pump.