Cyno/Lights/Cleanup Crew


FOWLR tank setup for about 5 months now. 2 clowns and a cortez angel.
Had quite a bit of cyno start growing but i would say its under control. However I'd like to keep it under control and get rid of it if that is possible. My water params are just right. I checked phosphates and they were very low if even present at all.
I know I only have a 30" flourecent bulb for lighting which I've cut back to only a couple hours per day. Would buying better lights help this situation?
I had a turbo and 2 benadict snails that died over the last 2 months. Can't figure out why and don't know if I should purchase one of the big clean up crews from this site without knowing what killed the 3 snails I had. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the help!
- Nate


Have 2 power heads and a magnum350 canister filter. ~900g of flow in a 55.
Salinity is 1.024.
Acclimated them for about an hour moving 1 cup of water every 15 minutes into the bag they came in. After that I moved them directly into the tank. Didn't transfer LFS water to tank.


The only suggestion I have is to try and boost your salanity up to 1.026. It seems like everything else you are doing is good. I always drip acclimate all my critters, but the way you are doing it seems fine. Dont know what else to say.


So you guys think that my 55g tank can accomodata a 55g cleanup crew purchased at this site? Should i be concerened there isn't enough food for all those guys?