Well I checked my nitrates....they're at 20 (they stay at 20!). I have my lights coming on around noon and going off around 10PM. I have (2) 600ppm Maxijet powerheads blowing diagonally in opposite directions. I'm not sure what the gph turnover rate is, haven't figured out how to calculated it. I moved one of the powerheads to see if it would help with the water flow but the cynobacteria just came back. The tank is an Eclipse 3 and has been up and running for about 9 months or so. I have 2 yellow tail damsels, 2 false perc clowns, 7/8 hermit crabs, 3 nassarius snails, some mushrooms and polyps, and 2 peppermint shrimp. I used to have a fighting conch - don't know where it went
I have 24 watt 1 regular bulb and 1 actinic bulb. I replaced the regular bulb last week but that didn't seem to make a difference. I feed frozen Formula One every other day and a teaspoon of phytoplankton for the corals. Water parameters are:
Nitrates: 20
pH: 8.3
salinity: 1.023
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
calcium: 300 (I know...it needs to be higher - workin' on that)
mag: don't know
phosphates: dunno
alk: 130
That's all I can think of so far. Everything seems fine in the tank except for this new addition
So...007...what do you think? I've heard of that red algae slime remover that works and costs around $20.00 but I'm trying to figure out the source before adding chemicals.