D.T.'s Phytoplankton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Fresh, live phyto has a somewhat sweet smell to it. It should not smell bad.


I use it to and my corals love it. My shrooms are spreading like a germ. When I smelled mine it smelled rotten too like dead fish or something. this is the second bottle I have gone through and they both have smelled that way. whatever the smell is my corals really like it, so i am going to use it for a long time. also I keep mine as cold as I can without freezing it. for some reason when it is cold like 34,33,32 deg's it seems to work better. I had it at a warmer temp when i first started usin it and my corals didn't respond as well as they do when it is on the verdge of freezing. IMO


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Fresh, live phyto has a somewhat sweet smell to it. It should not smell bad.
That's exactly what my lfs said too and it really does, but if it takes on the rotten egg smell then it is likely bad. I had that happen to me when I accidently left it out over night(first night I used it). I had to get a new bottle and so far its done well. Also they said you cannot freeze it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Fresh, live phyto has a somewhat sweet smell to it. It should not smell bad.
thats what my DT's pyto smells like i actuaaly kinda like its smell. maybe you guys got a bad batch


I use that stuff alot. It needs to be refrigerated at all TIMES. Never froze or it will die and smell bad. Or if not refrigerated it will die and smell bad. It will not smell good to being will but you should be able to squeeze the bottle a little and push the bad smell out and then it should smell ok. If you still smell it then it's bad. ok? Or you could be like me and put in under a mircoscope and it will warm up a little and move. I've got time on my hands thou
. It has an expiration date too or should have. it does go bad after a while.