Dad fought the beast...


Uh, no.
I have to agree with Ponygirl.
You yourself stated that your dad was big, and Chewy manhandled him.
I agree most animals recognize a juvenile of a different species, but an obnoxious 12 year old neighbor tormenting your dog is going to be attacked. Chewy already proved this by showing dominance/Alpha Dog over your father. Chewy knew your dad was part of the family/pack and attacked anyway. I PROMISE
you that if this happens again, Chewy will react in the same fashion.
I am an animal lover, and don't want to see anything happen to your beloved dog. If Chewy attacks/defends again, you will probably get a visit from animal control, and Chewy will probably be put down. PLEASE don't allow Chewy to be put in this situation. It is your responsibility to ensure the best for your dog.
BTW- Tell your dad to not physically punish your dog. If you live in your father's house you may want to seek other living arrangements for Chewy, as the struggle will not end until one proves dominance/Alpha over the other.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
The day after he bit my dad, my mom was baby sitting my cousin Matthew...5 years old and DEAF...absolutely loves my dog. The best part of his week is getting to come to my mom and dads and get to play with Chewy. He's one of the ones that used to lay around and torment my dog, pulling his ears, jumping on him, etc.
My dog would NEVER, NEVER, EVER hurt a child. The day Matthew was playing with him, he's loving, caring..."let me lay around and lick you, oh threw my water bottle...I'll go get it and bring it back to you and then lay around and lick you again.".
My dog would NEVER hurt a kid, PERIOD. There's no way I'd ever belive in the "your dog bit someone, it shouldnt be around kids" B.S. Certain dogs, ok...but not ones that have been raised in a loving household, such as mine.
My dog bit my dad because my dad tried disciplining him, when he's not the regular person to discipline. On top of that, my dad was hurting the dog, which shouldnt have been done.
The dog was simply protecting itself from someone who was hurting him.

Every time there's a news story about a Pit or a Rott mauling a child, or an adult, I recall the owner saying "he was such a good dog and never would have thought he would do something like that."


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishnerd
I am an animal lover, and don't want to see anything happen to your beloved dog. If Chewy attacks/defends again, you will probably get a visit from animal control, and Chewy will probably be put down. PLEASE don't allow Chewy to be put in this situation. It is your responsibility to ensure the best for your dog.
Animal Control is not Big Brother. They don't just magically know when a dog bites someone; a bite report has to be made either to the police or an attending physician. Victims have a CHOICE wether or not to make the report at the time of their treatment, so just b/c his father might go to the doctor doesn't mean any legal action will be taken.
Also, a dog is not put down unless there are THREE bite reports taken out against it.


Active Member
I'm not saying that Chewy is now a dog that has to be watched every moment.
"Discipline" is not a word or a deed that should really relate to an animal. "Training" on the other hand, is what your dad, or anyone around large animals should practice. What your dad did is give Chewy the first lesson that humans might ambush and harm him.
Dog's react on a memory sense. Next time Chewy feels put in the same position, whether that memory is triggered by a smell or a person or a place. That is what is worrisome about a dog biting. Yes, he was reacting to being hurt, but next time he won't let it get that far and you can't really guess what he thinks was the step before being hurt.
Any dog has the propensity to bite. In the wrong circumstance, I know my 2 could and I realize that it is my job to NEVER let that come close to happening.
Laddy on this board is a dog trainer. I'd like to hear what he thinks.


Active Member
If I would've known this was gonna turn into a "you're a bad dog owner" and your dog is a crazed Pit Bull, that's going to attack and kill neighbor kids, I would've kept the story to myself. I found it humerous and thought others would to.
I knew he'd bite, I've seen him bite, etc. My dad knew it too and crossed the line. It's not my dogs fault, nor am I even slightly worried about him "attacking again".
Dogs dont become crazy, after biting someone. They dont then have the taste of human blood and will go on attacking rampages. Just like any human would do, the dog felt threatened and defended itself. My dad was the one that was out of line...not the dog.
There is a difference between discipline and training of a dog. The dog does something wrong, it's disciplined. I can look at my dog and he knows he's in trouble and will immediately go and lay down. That's discipline, not training. Training is sit, lay down, roll over, etc. You dont tell a dog to roll over, when it's done something wrong. Stern verbal commands is not's discipline.


Seems like the opportunity to ask your dad if he's learned what to do if a dog pees on the carpet. (Not saying Chewy did/does) If his opinion on discipline hasn't changed, say "You obviously didn't learn from this, and if you think you're smarter than a dog, how is he supposed to?"


this really has ntohing to do with the dog's "training". if the dog is fearful he will defend himself. i would tell dad to lay off. his size is intimidating enough to your pup without his strength. my dog was conered by my roomate one day and the dummy did the same thing to my dog and of course the dog tried to bite him. he is like 15 lbs so not much damage could be done but still. and whoever says shooting a dog is ok needs to check themselves. if you think thats ok then you dont need animals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
I still wanna know....if it wasn't the dog....
Who "Did" Pee on the Carpet...??

I got down on the floor and smelled the carpet...ran my hand across the carpet...there was no pee...phantom pee, I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Animal Control is not Big Brother. They don't just magically know when a dog bites someone; a bite report has to be made either to the police or an attending physician. Victims have a CHOICE wether or not to make the report at the time of their treatment, so just b/c his father might go to the doctor doesn't mean any legal action will be taken.
Also, a dog is not put down unless there are THREE bite reports taken out against it.

Great, so a dog gets three chances to maul people before something gets done about it?
I'm not talking about your dog AW, just dogs in general


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Great, so a dog gets three chances to maul people before something gets done about it?
I'm not talking about your dog AW, just dogs in general

These are not MY rules. Take it up with the government, k?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Great, so a dog gets three chances to maul people before something gets done about it?
I'm not talking about your dog AW, just dogs in general

I think there's definately a difference between a "bite" and getting "mauled". If some neighbors dog runs over and bites you, it's your own fault for not reporting it. Of course the neighbors arent going to report themselves.
If someone is "mauled", like a child getting attacked, there's going to be a hospital visit, investigation, etc...then, I dont think he dog would be given the "three bite" rule.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I think there's definately a difference between a "bite" and getting "mauled". If some neighbors dog runs over and bites you, it's your own fault for not reporting it. Of course the neighbors arent going to report themselves.
If someone is "mauled", like a child getting attacked, there's going to be a hospital visit, investigation, etc...then, I dont think he dog would be given the "three bite" rule.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
These are not MY rules. Take it up with the government, k?

I didn't say it was your rule. I was just commenting.