daily dose of garlic?



will soaking your frozen food in garlic and giving it to the fish on a daily basis be harmful to them or should i only give them garlic a couple times a week? also, for my garlic "juice" i crush a clove of garlic and soak it in a little saltwater for 24hrs. after that i strain the garlic pieces out and just store the juice in the fridge and soak the frozen food in it for about an hr. then serve. will this work o.k.?


Active Member
I've been told that you should only soak the food a couple of times a week, but i don't remeber the reasoning. As far as how I soak I bought the garlix extract at a local health food store. It was pretty expensive, but it has lasted a long time. I take a small glass of the tank water, add the frozen food, then a few drops of the extract. I usually let it sit for about an hour or so.


Active Member
I was told by a shark to feed garlic every 10-14 days. I also use cloves, but I cut in forths or halves (depending on the size) and add to a glass of saltwater and add food and soak overnight, then get out either another cup and pour slowly into that one and the garlic stays in the previous cup, or get out some handy tongs and pull out the garlic chunks. HTH;)


Active Member
I soak alot of different foods in garlic. Squid, octopus, fish, clams, and shrimp. Actually i think the shrimp, and fish soaked in garlic is the best. It seems to soak up the juice alot better than the squid, clam, and octopus.


I keep a little bottle of chopped seaweed & brine shrimp soaked in minced fresh garlic and Kent Zoe vitamins in my fridge. It's a potent mix.... but the fish love it.... They get a good dose of garlic and vitamins every day! I give them some of this mix daily and then some other flake or pellet food for the 2nd & 3rd feedings... They've been healthy since I started with the garlic mix!...


Active Member
only every 2 weeks or so
reasons being
1st odor
2d, just like any other med or preventative med, things can build up an iimmunity or a resistance to it
(don't know if there is a 3d or not)
i use kyolic extract, you can get it from gnc and it is stronger, odorless and even though more expensive it goes much farther, plus it keeps much better
It is about $15 a bottle, but at a couple of drops every 2 weeks, a bottle lasts forever.


Can fish really have "immunity" to garlic?? I think that is the case only with antibiotics. Garlic is a immune booster -- an additive... like vitamins... I don't think it is possible to build immunity to vitamins (humans take them daily without any problems).... I think of garlic as just another food additive -- like an ingredient in a fish food...
So I see no real harm in giving some garlic daily...
What do others think?
I feed with garlic extrac almost everyday and have no ill effect. I usually put a mixute of frozen cubes (prime reef, brine, mysyid, krill, plankton, vegatable mix) and some fresh fish into my food processor with a few drops of Kyolic Extract blend it up and stick it in the freezer. This will last about a month.


I couldn't find garlic extract @ the grocery store (but they did have root beer extract, go figure!) so I took some cloves and put them in ro/di and let them soak overnight. I then took a few of the cloves and put them through my garlic press. Then just let everything soak in the water. Darn good juice. I store it in the reefer and add a drop or two twice a week.


At kroger and randalls, you can pick up garlic juice(extract) in the spice aisle. It is about two dollars and lasts a while.


We don't have them in PA, at least in this area. Come to think about it...there is alot of "normal" stuff we seem not to have! Must have something to do w/TMI !
Oh well...my fish know that I love them because I don't buy them any ole store bought garlic juice, I make it from scratch and from the heart!
BTW, the left overs make a great mouth wash!


Active Member
My Krogers dont carry the garlic juice (extract) so that is why I went to cloves. Sure seems to smell like garlic so the food must have garlic in it. (being soaked overnight).


Active Member

Originally posted by gateshill
i just put garlic bread in the tank and let the fish nibble on that

lol, are you serious ?


I use fresh garlic because it is the cheapest method. I too soak my fish food everytime I feed. I think in terms of building immunity to garlic the shark was refering to parasites not the fish but I could be mistaken. Although I don't subscribe to that notion. If that was the case why every 10-14 days? Seems arbitrary to pull that figure and yet variety in all animals diet could be subject to the same consideration. Additionally if indeed, like antibiotics, harmful parasites and the like can build a defense to garlic why not dose as humans do antibiotics? If a human is sick enough to warrant taking antibiotics he/she does not take them once every 10-14 days. At least not if he/she plans to get better. With the logic we should treat our fish for 7-10 days and then stop not the opposite. Does not seem logical to me but I am not a nutrionist either. As for the smell I prefer to think of it as extra flavor for the fish. Smell does not bother me because I am careful not to spill it. And if garlic is also used to entice finicky fish to eat why pull the flavor from the extract or elixir? How would an odorless and tasteless substance entice a creature who refuses to eat to eat? Sounds contrary to logic once again. But I guess I should have premised my post with my inexperience in the hobby (SW for 5 years and Reef for 1 year) and that logic does not always produce correct answers or results.