Originally Posted by B-DIDDLES
You know what? I have also heard a lot of negativity on the damsels but have yet to see it. I have had a yellow-tail damsel for about three months now and he is about an inch and a half. I believe that they get up to three inches. He kind of mimics my clownfish in staying by the plants. When it is time to eat he always eats last because the clownfish is the regulator.
put another one in and see what happens
You know what? I have also heard a lot of negativity on the damsels but have yet to see it. I have had a yellow-tail damsel for about three months now and he is about an inch and a half. I believe that they get up to three inches. He kind of mimics my clownfish in staying by the plants. When it is time to eat he always eats last because the clownfish is the regulator.
put another one in and see what happens