damels with a bad rap


Originally Posted by B-DIDDLES
You know what? I have also heard a lot of negativity on the damsels but have yet to see it. I have had a yellow-tail damsel for about three months now and he is about an inch and a half. I believe that they get up to three inches. He kind of mimics my clownfish in staying by the plants. When it is time to eat he always eats last because the clownfish is the regulator.

put another one in and see what happens


Haven't had any issues with Domino's or yellow tails,but keep a close eye on Blue devil Damsel's, They will cost you money!


Active Member
If you keep the appropriate size damsel (typical 1"ish size) with the appropriate fish (larger dwarf angels, tangs, maroon/cinnamin/fire clowns, blenny's, toby's ect) they cause virtually no problems at all. Is that what people do, no they put 2 damsels in a 30g or keep them with gobies, bassets, dartfish, false percs, small wrasses and other damsels. If you want to keep 3 damsels put them in a 125g IF you want to keep full size (3" dominos ect) damsels keep them with triggers, groupers (too small to swallow them), eels, large aggressive tangs ect.
the problem is people. just because they are usually sold at 1" they arent treated like other aggressive species. dottybacks arent any better (most worse) and they dont have the same bad reputation as damsels.


i have a three spot domino...the ONLY one i will ever have he's always chasing my niger, tang and blue headed wrasse around.(he's half their size!)
and he's always trying to snag a bite of my my other damsels that i have. he's mean mean mean!


Active Member
At one time I had a tomato clown, a yellowtail, a yellow and two chromis in a tank. The yellow damsel was the witch of the tank and I finally got so upset with her that I yanked her out and took her to my LFS. I told him I really didn't care if she went for a porcelain ride, if he would just take her.
Next time I was in, all he said was that I was right, she was an agressive fish...
It's a family joke. Anything or anyone that upsets me just might get to go to the LFS with me!


I have a 4 year old 4 stripe and yellow tail and they are the most docile fish in my tank. My tomato on the other hand GRRRRRRRRRR! It is a 150g with some much bigger more aggressive fish though.


Active Member
Damsels are great if you treat them like the aggresive fish they are. I have one fish in my 15 gallon nano and it is a yellow tailed damsel, it is healthy, active and absolutely stunning all for 5.00 dollars. There is so much information about Damsels that I am suprised that people keep buying them and thinking they will be okay with other fish or buy them as cycle fish and are suprised they are difficult to get out of their tanks.


Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Damsels are great if you treat them like the aggresive fish they are. I have one fish in my 15 gallon nano and it is a yellow tailed damsel, it is healthy, active and absolutely stunning all for 5.00 dollars. There is so much information about Damsels that I am suprised that people keep buying them and thinking they will be okay with other fish or buy them as cycle fish and are suprised they are difficult to get out of their tanks.
So with that said i recently purchased a blue velvet damsel which is the coolest one of them all. So i get him home put him in QT tank and he is doing fine. 3 weeks later i put him in my DT and wouldnt ya know it this dumb domino damsel started beating him up within minutes. ( Spend 45mins and removed all rock) to get him out ( 12:30AM in the morning )

Domino Damsel might have a new family if he keeps it up j/k


Active Member
people dont like damsels because the are easy to get, cut te supply down and raise the price like everyother fish and people will buy them more,
imo i like the blue devil they are nice lookin bright blue with orange tail.