Damn Damsels !


New Member
Ive had these Damsels since I started my tank 2 yrs ago.Ive had fish that cost alot of money die on me , but these 5.00 fish just keep on goin & growin. Now the biggest one is being very aggressive. Any ideas on how to catch these fast & smart litte buggers ? Dont really want to kill him if I dont have to.....But...... Some hints please !


Active Member
I have often resorted to using two nets..one to corral and one to GOTCHA. Depends on the tank setup, but usually is successful.


Find a link on the 2 litre bottle fish trap. I made one in five minutes and had my DAMsel out the next day. The trap looks silly, but if you have the room to drop it in, it works.


I have always kept a piece of plexiglass less than a foot wide and about a foot taller than the depth of my tank. I cut my powerheads off and put some food in a corner. When they come to eat I lower the plexiglass in behind them. Then they are caught in the corner and easy to net.
I've heard many different ways to catch fish but this has always worked for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by js1976
I have always kept a piece of plexiglass less than a foot wide and about a foot taller than the depth of my tank. I cut my powerheads off and put some food in a corner. When they come to eat I lower the plexiglass in behind them. Then they are caught in the corner and easy to net.
I've heard many different ways to catch fish but this has always worked for me.
Lovely idea!


Active Member
How large is your tank? The vast majority of "I've got evil damsel" threads are from folks who say, "I've got four damsels, an angel, a blue hippo and an eel in a 55 gallon and I can't figure out why they've become aggressive". They are small fish and nature has given them the aggressive instinct to survive. Crowding brings out this behavior much stronger and quickly. I have 6 damsels: 2 dominoes, 2 3 stripe and 2 blues in a 125g. They like to buzz newcomers for the first couple days, but then ignore them-never once actually attacking them. They are a tiny fish in a competative world and must be bold to survive. It is folly to think we can shoe-horn them into a crowded tank and expect them to be model citizens. They have been an ideal fish for my 125 gallon reef tank.


New Member
one of the other reasons I want to get rid of the damsels is because I want to make room for prettier more interesting fish in my tank. I do have a 55 and I know Im pushing it with overcrowding. I have a goby, maroon clown, 2 bengai cards, small puffer,royal gramma, 2 blue chromis, and those 3 ugly, pale yellow damsels