Damn ICk


I have lost a lot of fish once to ick and I didnt have a qt tank set up. So now i do and i think my first new fish as ick (i am almost certain). my fish is fine but he seems to have just got it this morning. What is the best thing to do while he is still eating? I want to put garlic in his food but I dont know what type to use and how. I feed him fresh shrimp. Ill put him in the qt tank as soon as he is weaker and easier to catch.
ps he is a dalmation puffer


Staff member
I would strongly suggest begining the hyposalinity procedure which is detailed in the FAQ Thread stickyed at the top of this forum. Please take a look at it.
As for garlic, I believe that fresh finely minced garlic works the best. Mince the garlic in the same container that you will also put the fish food in. MIX, then put in in the refridge covered from about an hour. Then offer it to the fish.
Also, a puffer would love to have some fresh seafood mix which you can just mix in the garlic in the food prep. Take a look at my fish food receipe in the FAQ thread. For puffers, you can leave as much shell, shrimp skin, etc., in the mix, as they needs some hard parts of food to keep their teeth filed down.


thanks Ill try that salt and garlic....day 2 all is still fine, but I have to go away for a full day on sat. I hope he is going to be okay.