Damn stressful hobby!


Active Member
[Start Rant]
Anyone else here love blue tangs but hate them at the same time? I know I do!
I had nothing but bad experiences with the few I tried to keep over the course of my previous tank and I was very discouraged about getting one for my new tank.(4 months old).
I was in my LFS today while he was unpacking his SW order and he told me he had some really healthy blue tangs come in and motioned be towards the tank they were in. 3 little guys swimming around with not a single blemish on them. All 3 eating like horses right out of the bag. I couldn't resist, I bought one.
He's about 2 inches long and cost me $60 CDN which is about $15 over the usual price for that size around here.
ANYWAY, on to the story! I acclimate him to the tank and my damn purple tang gives him hell like he does to everyone in the tank when they were first added. I figured I'd turn off the lights 5 hours early today to let the little guy settle in. He went to the corner of the tank and plopped himself on top of one of my returns.
After working all night I just come home to find him with his face in one of the slits in the overflow box. I figure "Just F'ing great, he's dead." I was so down at that moment because I was really beginning to wonder why I could never keep a blue tang alive when my other fish have/are doing well.
I turn on one of the halides for a sec to get a closer look at him and the little bugger dislodges himself when he see's the light and swims away into some rockwork!!! I just about crapped myself!
Why can't the fish choose a more sensible place to sleep? Must he choose the place that will aggrevate me the most? ugh. sorry...had to vent!
[End Rant]



Originally posted by Azonic
[Start Rant]
Why can't the fish choose a more sensible place to sleep? Must he choose the place that will aggrevate me the most? ugh. sorry...had to vent!
[End Rant]

Start Rant
I dont want to sound mean, but dont forget, WE are the ones taking these fish out of their natural environment and putting them into a false, recreated 55-300 gallon versions of what we believe they should live in. We put them in our tanks because WE want to enjoy watching them swim around in all their beauty.
Im sorry about your troubles w/ tangs, but these are living creatures that are put into the confinement of our tanks. They probably are thinking, if they do think - "Why are these humans always chasing us, moving us around, and putting us in jails(tanks)"
Its a reciprocal relationship. In order for us to enjoy the natural beauty of these fish, we, in turn, must keep them alive and healthy. Maybe the overflow was the most comfortable place.
This is part of the joy of fishkeeping, trying to get everything just right so all your fish are happy and healthy.


Active Member
I feel your pain too.....we only want whats best for them and sticking their head in a piece of plastic would fall into that catagory! Kind of like when I tried to tell my daughter NOT to stick her head in between the stair rails. (need I say more) We know their moves, feeding, behavior etc. and we come here to ask advice on how to fix the little devils. In a way they are just like our kids , THEY CAN DRIVE US NUTS...(can you tell I am having a crazy Sat. a.m. already?) ;)
So hopefully the fish will have been scared into finding another
place to rest. :D


Active Member
lovethesea: He has actually found a new place. He swims sideways underneath one of my small mushroom rock frags I'm growing and he lodges himself between the two rocks sideways.
It's quite funny to see actually. He's out swimming around now enjoying some squid for his lunch :D


Active Member
i had a scare back alittle while ago, i had some barnicles and my blue hippo went in it when i was tryin to get a blue damsel out.. he wasi n there for about 4-5 horus.i thoguth he died, but he didnt and later came out and was swimmin, then he found a new place.. but he doesnt sleep ther all the time, its right next to teh heater(which is in the corner of my tank)



Originally posted by Azonic
my damn purple tang gives him hell like he does to everyone in the tank when they were first added.

......next time I'd ask the LFS owner to hold it for a month or two, at least it will be a little stronger when you throw it to the wolfes.
I hate it when that happens;)


haha, sorry azonic. I must of been in a bad mood. Kinda ranting myself:D


Active Member
I've got a new digital camera coming in the mail this week. I'll post some pics of him and the others when it arrives.

Originally posted by Azonic
I've got a new digital camera coming in the mail this week. I'll post some pics of him and the others when it arrives.

Ok cool, I want to see him do his sideways thing in the rocks!


Active Member
I'll be sure to get a shot of him doing that!
Tonight he has chosen a new "bed". He is sleeping on top of my powerhead and leaning against the return line. Looks so cute :D