DAmsel Acting Like clown

dad & son

my damsel has been acting like a clown fish would with a anename (excuse my spelling) just with a plate here is a picture of the little guy and the plate. lol :happyfish
is he suppost to do this? if he is he looks very happy and he seems a little defensive against fish wondering around it


damsels have the same ability has clownfish and dont get stung by the anemone. i got a striped damsel who's smart as hell as picks on my coral beauty. he goes and nips at the coral beauty til the beauty gets mad and chases him. the damsel runs right though my LTA the coral beauty does the same but gets stung it's kinda mean but kinda funny every once in a while.


yeah, ive seen 3 striped do it at my local aquarium hosting a carpet... it was pretty awsome. And yes, there in the same family of Pomacentridae (both damsels and clownfish) And oddly enough... all 27 species of clownfishes are in the same subfamily type genus Amphiprion, except for the maroon, which is in its own genus.. premnas i believe. Correct me if im wrong.... just looking over some of past couple of years marine bio notes, not sure how accurate they are