Damsel and sand bed


Active Member
Well all of sudden my yellow tail damsel has decided to make craters in my sand bed. He started this in my old 25 gallon tank and all of a sudden started it again in this one. What is this guy doing it for?


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Well all of sudden my yellow tail damsel has decided to make craters in my sand bed. He started this in my old 25 gallon tank and all of a sudden started it again in this one. What is this guy doing it for?

Damsels will build nests. Some do it .. some dont.


Active Member
Well crap what can I do about it besides taking him out. He was my first fish and I have had him for about a year and a half now.


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Well crap what can I do about it besides taking him out. He was my first fish and I have had him for about a year and a half now.

If you have LR or other decorations you can try moving them around. Make a small cave out of the LR and see if he'll use that instead of building his own home..


Active Member
I can't really move anything because all of my corals are attached. I do have plenty of caves and holes for him/her. It has his little cave that it sleeps in. Here is a pic of the hole it goes back really far.


take a peice of rubble/rock and put it right were he is digging. that will stop him for a while. Mine does that and this will stop him for a couple of months.


My three stripe damsel does the same thing. I will try to obstruct that spot but he usually finds another. I have a candy cane and trumpet coral right near where he likes to nest too. Messes everything up.