Damsel catching


for real, the fly fishing hook works. but you have to use fly fishing line. fish in your tank can see other line, and won't come close to it. also, the damsels will eat around the hook. you sometimes have to just jerk it and hook them.
if you want to be "Peta friendly", you can cut the barb off the hook so you can save him. but after all that you go through, i wouldn't recommend it. i hate those sum b!tche$.


Going to have to try that. I have an adult Bluefin that I am going to try and trade in (I found a LFS in my area that does trades!) and I know I am going to have to pull the rock. He has his home in a hole in the rock!
I am doomed!


i feel your pain... i have 2 domino damsels that i want gone. those little b@stards have killed thier last fish! they are to smart and quick for the net. i am thinking its almost time to pull rock and start draining.


That is the only way to catch them (ba$tards). We moved the tank from West Palm Beach to Fort Myers over 1.5 years ago and had to try and catch 3 of them. These all died later because of a Hatian Anenome that the store sold to me after it was just delivered that week! :mad:
SO I bought him (bluefin) when he was half the size and another blue/yellow one(timid in my experience) to restart my tank.
I did not know he would be as aggressive as the Domino/Snowflake damsel but soon I will have to remove him or risk loosing the 6line. (I hate LFS that don't notify you of any possible probblems, I knew they could be men but he is REALLY mean)
I have seen him pin the poor wrasse at the surface and I can't deal with it anymore.
So sometime this week I will have to set up a temp tank for him or bag him and go to the fish store. Sadly they are a 30 min drive from me at my house and I work all week long. Hope I don't see any dead fish, I only added the wrasse because I was told that they were tough and wouldn't take anything from a damsel, well not mine. (To each their own)

Good luck let me know how the capture goes! I may need to make fish food out of him instead!



I CAUGHT HIM! I had to take the rock out but I did get him. It was not fun and I made everyone else mad, had to pry a couple of hermits off of the BR and try not to squish the cleaner shrimp that were hiding under the rock. Fun! But he is netted and going to the LFS tomorrow!
The wrasse has really livened up now that the jerk is out of his way and is actually telling the other damsel what is going on now! LOL so I am happy.

Good luck even w/o the rocks he was hard as heck to nab.
Happy hunting!


I am soooooo jealous. I think I'm going to have to mess up my aquascape this weekend. :mad: I still haven't even caught one of the little ba$tards. I will keep you posted though


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
step 1- put on hawwiian shirt
step 2 - #14 trout hook
Step 3- pose for camera like you landed a marlin


Active Member
i just caught an impossible fish in my 150 reef. look up / search for a thread called "catch that fish"
im too lazy to post the link


Mebe just a small stick of dynamite :hilarious ! Even with the rock all out I had a hell of a time getting him in the net. Even PO'd and hanging in the large tank he is trying to eat the other fish. THROUGH THE NET! :scared: I am going to bring him to the LFS ASAP but for now he can chill.

Good luck, I should had grabbed a brew and done the fishing thing but I have 2 other fish in the tank as well as him, wouldn't want to hurt them. :happyfish
Happy Hunting!


Yeah I think it is definitly time to go fishing :happyfish . My husband is going to be the fisher of the tank. All I know is I can't wait to get those little brats
out of my tank and never to be seen again


Yeah give him a brew and a rod. I should have done that instead of being the hardheaded one. Oh well its done and he is out!
It's so nice to see my cleaner shrimp and the wrasse moving around the tank now its amazing how much it has changed since I got the bugger out of there!
Don't tell him how mean and smart they are or he may not want to tackle this either! LMAO, I know mine couldn't have gotten them without cursing up a storm like I was! Could never do that professionally!

jessi p

I was amazed at how much more animated George my goby became once Blue, the damsel was out of the tank. He can actually move around the center of the tank now instead of hanging in the corners. Of course I dont know what to do with Blue now....... he is hanging out in the QT.
Congrats on catching him!


Thanks! I am trading him in. His name is Bruce (origonal right but he looked like a bat so he got named after one!)
Going to bring him to the LFS tonight or tomorrow.
They are hard buggers to catch!

***) ***)


Active Member
well i started my tank a few months ago and went with domino damsel to help the cycle so after about a month i was ready to get him out of there and was reading how hard it was going to be. This might be wrong but oh well I didnt even have to catch him. He was always around the hang-on fliter so at night I took the protective cap off the filter and the next morning I woke up to find that he got sucked up by the filter, so it ws for me lol... but i flet bad for him ater i though about it


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
well i started my tank a few months ago and went with domino damsel to help the cycle so after about a month i was ready to get him out of there and was reading how hard it was going to be. This might be wrong but oh well I didnt even have to catch him. He was always around the hang-on fliter so at night I took the protective cap off the filter and the next morning I woke up to find that he got sucked up by the filter, so it ws for me lol... but i flet bad for him ater i though about it
wow, total disrespect for life there... first you burn its gills, make it live in crappy water while your tank cycles, and then you let it get chewed up by a pump...