damsel catching


I have two yellow tail damsels that are aggresive and cramping the tank.
So, I want to give them to the fish/pet store for credit. But, they are hiding in the rock work and won't come out so we haven't been able to catch them.
Does anybody have any adive or special secret damsel catching techniques that could help!!


Originally Posted by Chance
I have two yellow tail damsels that are aggresive and cramping the tank.
So, I want to give them to the fish/pet store for credit. But, they are hiding in the rock work and won't come out so we haven't been able to catch them.
Does anybody have any adive or special secret damsel catching techniques that could help!!
Move the rock over to on side. Buy or make a divider out of eggcrate (sold at Lowes or Home Depot). Feed the fish on the open side of the tank, when they come over then drop the divider and net them out. Damsels pay attention to everything that you do and are quick. After you move some of the rock then give them a day or two of eating in the open spot before you try to trick them.


Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
take a extension cord plug it in and throw the other end in the tank you will find him floating eventually
not only unfunny but unecessary as well.


Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
well whatever take a joke and lighten up
Electricuting fish is not funny to me, sorry.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Move the rock over to on side. Buy or make a divider out of eggcrate (sold at Lowes or Home Depot). Feed the fish on the open side of the tank, when they come over then drop the divider and net them out. Damsels pay attention to everything that you do and are quick. After you move some of the rock then give them a day or two of eating in the open spot before you try to trick them.
i have alot of rock work so it would be pretty hard to move and i would realy stress out my green chromis and i dont think its worth the risk of killing them but nice idea


i just put the lid on the tank and the lid fell into the tank and the damsel nearly escaped and just as i said that was a close one the damsel hoped out of its container and into the tank


catching damsels is like catching zebra danios in the fresh world, a pain in the butt. I have had mine for over a year, and short of tearing my tank apart, I have given up trying to catch them. I just worked around them.


About a week ago I had to take all my fish out of my tank. trigger, cowfish, and puffer all came very easily. My damsel I tried to catch for 4 days. Tried the bottle approach. He went in once I tried to pull it he got out, and never went near it again. I had to remove my LR to finally catch him. was not as bad as I thought it would be. There was no way to duplicate my set up...way too much LR, but I am getting used to the new.


Active Member
I just took 2 clowns out of my tank it was as easy as taking candy from a baby. But I dont know if this application will work for you. I took some food put it into the fish net. Then i put the net into the water with one of my power heads aiming into the net it pushes the food into the net so it doesnt float out. Then I temp the fish angleing the net away from the PH so it floats for a bit.. in no time at all they get very curious and actually swim into the net for the food. You still have to be quick but scoop fast and its done.. well at least it worked for me.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I just took 2 clowns out of my tank it was as easy as taking candy from a baby. But I dont know if this application will work for you. I took some food put it into the fish net. Then i put the net into the water with one of my power heads aiming into the net it pushes the food into the net so it doesnt float out. Then I temp the fish angleing the net away from the PH so it floats for a bit.. in no time at all they get very curious and actually swim into the net for the food. You still have to be quick but scoop fast and its done.. well at least it worked for me.
great idea im going to try that thanks


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I just took 2 clowns out of my tank it was as easy as taking candy from a baby. But I dont know if this application will work for you. I took some food put it into the fish net. Then i put the net into the water with one of my power heads aiming into the net it pushes the food into the net so it doesnt float out. Then I temp the fish angleing the net away from the PH so it floats for a bit.. in no time at all they get very curious and actually swim into the net for the food. You still have to be quick but scoop fast and its done.. well at least it worked for me.
i tried it i got my chromis to swim into the net but i didnt catch the damsels
im going to try agian on friday i think ill catch them though


I agree cut back the food. I had to get rid of my Blue devil
Man thoes things are the devil himself. Now I have a beau gregory running the show, I'm gona miss him when he's gone,
Just don't tell the wife. I will have to say he died! But he will go. then I will probably have to take out the dang yellow tail.
I made a trap out of an old peanutbutter jar and the top of a water bottle. Gona give it a whirl,(when the wife leaves for the day)