damsel catching


i wresteled mine the other day and couldnt get them then las night i tried some one had said about fish them out when there sleepy and it worked really well it was almost like they where sleep swimming. turn your lights off for a few hours and let them sleep then supprise them


Active Member
Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
take a extension cord plug it in and throw the other end in the tank you will find him floating eventually
As if anyone would take the electrocution seriously. To Chance; search "fish traps', they work.


New Member
I have used the bottle metod it worked great for me , do not feed the fish for 2 days .take a coke liter bottle take the paper off of it and wash with water cut the bottom out of itput you hand where the cap is (take it off ) put feed in the bottle after you fill it with water and the fish swims in raise the botton of the bottle .the water will go out of the top and the fish stays in . put the live rock a side and leave a day or so so fish will not get excited and then feed with pop bottle


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Starve them for a couple of days they wont be able to resist...
i tried that they bit my hand instead of the food but i wasnt able to catch them


Originally Posted by zdthompson
i wresteled mine the other day and couldnt get them then las night i tried some one had said about fish them out when there sleepy and it worked really well it was almost like they where sleep swimming. turn your lights off for a few hours and let them sleep then supprise them
they hide inside rocks at night i think but im going to try to find their hidding spot


Originally Posted by letysjim
I have used the bottle metod it worked great for me , do not feed the fish for 2 days .take a coke liter bottle take the paper off of it and wash with water cut the bottom out of itput you hand where the cap is (take it off ) put feed in the bottle after you fill it with water and the fish swims in raise the botton of the bottle .the water will go out of the top and the fish stays in . put the live rock a side and leave a day or so so fish will not get excited and then feed with pop bottle
im going to try that


Active Member
You are more than likely going to have to remove the rockwork from the tank to net them. I had to do this to catch 3 neon velvet damsels. I tried every method listed except for the trap method.


Active Member
just try the bottle method it works great. caught my purple pseudochromis last night with that method and even after being scared to heck when i messed up, 2 seconds later he was back in the bottle nibbling at the food. i just cut the cap end off of a water bottle and pass a needle and thread through the top, put a pellet in the bottom and wait for them to swim it...


Active Member
Well i was adding another LR to my aquapod earlier today and i noticed i guess the waterlevel rose too high and the when i looked in the water i couldnt find the damsel so i popped the hood back up and he was just resting on the sponge filter in back of tank. He is back in the tank and swimming around fine though now. But after 3 or 4 weeks i will want to take him to my lfs also and trade for credit. Hopefully wont have a problem catching him.


My beay gregory damsel is history!!!!! I had to take the live rock out. but I also needed to get two pistol shrimp out.
Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
take a extension cord plug it in and throw the other end in the tank you will find him floating eventually
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Electricuting fish is not funny to me, sorry.
I would never electrocute a fish, and I am sure the previous poster wouldn't either. It is funny because short of that, it is very difficult to catch those crafty buggers. Nobody would do that though.
turn off your powerheads for a bit and put food to one side so they have no choice but to go to that side and have a net come from behind them. use flakes so theyre closer to the surface. i was trying to catch 3 of them in a hex tank before. all they did was swim in circles until i pulled out a second net. lol two can play that game


Active Member
i have ur answer...
take eggcrate and divide the tank in 2 with all ur lr on one side..
then as he gets closer to one side pulll the eggcrate closer minimizing the room which can be swam in.. then just box it off with a 2nd ona dn put in ur net and bam done..
back to the lfs for no credit..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance
bump still no luck catchig them
Search this site for "fish trap" They work, so does tiny hook & line.