damsel catching


I know it sucks but if you want them out NOW, you gotta move the rock work and place a divider in the tank to make the tank smaller. It will take less than 30 minutes. Take a picture of the rockwork before you tear it apart so you'll know how it goes back. It make take another 2 weeks before you catch one with those other methods. Moving the rockwork is the only guaranteed way to get them out right now. Not to mention that it will save you alot of grey hairs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance
that would probaly work but theres no way i could convience my mom to let try it
IMO; a quick little pin prick is a lot more humane and far less stressful than dismantling the fish's universe and chasing him into exhaustion.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Search this site for "fish trap" They work, so does tiny hook & line.
would the metal from the hook do somthing to the water?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance
would the metal from the hook do somthing to the water?
Certainly not in the second or two it will be in there.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
My goodness, Chance, how long have you been trying to catch these fish?
i think a month


Originally Posted by letysjim
I have used the bottle metod it worked great for me , do not feed the fish for 2 days .take a coke liter bottle take the paper off of it and wash with water cut the bottom out of itput you hand where the cap is (take it off ) put feed in the bottle after you fill it with water and the fish swims in raise the botton of the bottle .the water will go out of the top and the fish stays in . put the live rock a side and leave a day or so so fish will not get excited and then feed with pop bottle
i tried that yester day it didnt work but im going to try it agian


Originally Posted by Chance
i tried that yester day it didnt work but im going to try it agian

mot ii

After fretting about how to catch our two damsels, I took the advice of someone on here
(don't remember who...sorry...) We got the two fish to one side of the tank, put a piece of plexiglass in to divide off the tank, took out the LR on their side and caught them!
Of course, "stripey" the three black striped damsel put up a good fight... the plexiglass wasn't quite high enough and we only wanted to take out so much water... he kept swimning up and over the top of the plexiglass! But finally I held the plexiglass while my DH had the net and everytime the little guy tried to swim up and over I was waiting to raise the glass. Hopefully they have nice new homes now and will not have to endure yet another 'cycling then catching' environment. I have to say that if I had found this site earlier we would have never used them to help cycle the tank.
After having to move half the live rock we decided to move it all around. We only have a lawnmower blennie and 3 snails since the damsels are gone so we figured it was a good time to move things before we add another fish. The blennie (affectionately called "Joe" after our neighbor who is constantly mowing his grass really short every few days!
) seemed to find the whole thing quite interesting and kept coming over to where we were moving the rock...not in a 'stressed' way but in an inquisitive way. In fact after while when I'd picked up a piece of rock to move it to a different spot he'd swim over and land on that rock. Then at some point he actually started landing on them as I was moving them! A few times he came right up to my hand! We thought that was pretty cool......
Now we're excited to begin adding other fish to the tank and hopeful that we won't make any similar mistake to the damsels.... we seem to get attached to our occupants pretty quick! Just ask "Gary" our turbo snail (DH is a huge SpongeBob fan...


The blennie (affectionately called "Joe" after our neighbor who is constantly mowing his grass really short every few days! )


Just wanted to post my results on gettin a blue devil out of my tank today. I just used a chunk of plankton and a medium net. Had to keep it there for a while with one of my PH's blowing into it so the food wouldnt come out but he finally swam in enough for me to snag him. Only took me a couple of minutes.