Damsel for lunch


My tank just finished cycling a week ago. So my first fish were damsels I'm going aggressive I want a lion & sfe. One of my demsel is a real jerk he won't leave the other two alone for nothing in this world, he will not allow them any peace they cant go anywhere in the tank period. The lfs said that a damsel can live with a sfe and lion, is this possible? Which one should I get first a lion or the sfe.
the only thing I need to add to the tank at this point is more rock I only have 25lbs. 40lbs ls
all test are good
nitrate 20
nitrite 0
alk 300
ph 8.4
ammonia 0
salt 1.024
temp 80
I'm waiting another 2 weeks to add anything just to make sure everything is ok. Let me know it I'm forgetting anything or need anything else
Hey Carter
Your situation was exactly like my a week ago. I had a blue devil damsel in my tank then added a dwarf zebra lionfish. I was planning on the lionfish just eating him but when I got the the store to pick him up he was only 1.5'' long while my damsel was at least 2''
. But as for aggression the damsel showed none at all towards the lion, we was actually scared of it. But he was a jerk when I put some feeder guppies in, he attacked the guppies and tried to eat one haha.


New Member
It depends on how big the Damsels are, but they'll probably be eaten when the lion and eel get bigger. Fuzzy Dwarf Lions can grow up to 7", and will probably eat any fish in the tank less than half their own size. And a full-grown SFE can be 28-32".
Even tho there shouldn't be any problems I say take the damsel out and send it back to hell where it came from. Any time I try to feed my lionfish anything live like guppies on wednesday or ghost shrimp just like 5 mins ago my damsel will attack it. He ripped the ghost shrimp in half and killed it in 30 seconds flat. My lion didn't even have time to notice there was food in the tank. So I say kick that damsel to the curb.


Active Member
A couple of points folks before I lock this thread.
1. Damsels are territorial. It is not the damsel's fault, but yours. Research purchases before you make them. Cycling with Damsels is totally unneccessary. You are now seeing on of the reasons why most Damsels are not good choices for most aquariums.
2. Do not use guppies or other fresh water feeders for salt water fish unless you want your fish to die prematurely.
3. To prevent aggression you should wean your fish to eating frozen foods.
I'm going to lock this thread as I'm sure it will eventually erupt into a flame war. Many folks here will argue that Damsels are pets just like eels, lions, etc. and placing them into a tank to die is unusually cruel.