Damsel ID please...


thats a NICE looking damsel... not sure what it is though sorry :notsure: . how much did you pay for him?


Well, thanks for the compliments...I was actually looking for something else to go in my reef, since I have a dwarf fuzzy lion in there, but happened to spot this guy in a tank with some gobies and decided to toss him in my live rock/rubble 10g. Gave $10 for him...hoping to find out some more info on him so I can make more permanent plans.


local LFS has one of em thats rather large. The blue marks on its face dissappear as it gets older but the black and blue dot on the back stays there. No idea what it is... i had one for a while but sadly, it died


i wanna say 3inches.. maybe a bit more... most damsels around here are sold at about 1/2in - 1 in. so its rather large by comparison. hehehe......


Active Member
hmm, new lfs has 4 or 5 of these. i should have gotten the name. wondering how feisty they are...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
hmm, new lfs has 4 or 5 of these. i should have gotten the name. wondering how feisty they are...
which one has these i was gonna ask if swf.com sells t hem