damsel in distress


I have two damsels. Fishy store will not take the lil bugga's back. They are still in my QT tank. All I have in my 75 G is a hitchhiker brittle star.
I don't know what to do????
I guess I could just could collect damsels...lol
It says they are invert safe. I did want a clown eventually when I started getting corals, hubby is heck bent on a clown. (since he bought me the tank for my birthday I don;t know what to do!!!) He saw one at the LFS darting in and out of an anenome and fell in love.
Then he saw some black one's and REALLY wants one now.
Help me!!! help me!!!
I told him they might not host an anenome, but I don't know what do with the blue "devils"
damsel in distress :(


Active Member
you could put a maroon goldbar clown in with the damsels! i have one in with mine and he shows the damsels who is boss all the time!


Yep, clowns and anemones are the reason my hubby fell in love with SW in the first place. If you can, try and give your damsels away. Is your dt ready for clowns? How long has your DT been up and running. Minimum 6 mos. for an anemone, in case you didn't know.
Do you have more than one lfs you could try to give the damsels to?


Oh no, not ready for anemone's. Has not cycled enough. Good to about the other clown tho :)
I would like some clean up crew though. I need some algae eaters bad.