Damsel in Established Tank - Advice


New Member
So I have an established (2+ years) 55 gal tank with 4 three striped damsels, 4 four striped damsels, two clowns, and some invertebrates and have been wanting to get more fish in there. I'm afraid from experience that the damsels will kill anything that I add. I regret the damsels but I was / still am a noob so I can't change that and i love the tank anyway. Any advice as to what I can get that can survive the damsel's agressiveness?
Interested in plants too to green it up in there a little if anyone wants to add.
Thanks! Much appreciated


Active Member
I personally would not add another fish. I have a 55 and had a severe emergemcy that required me to put 2 striped damsels and two blue damsels in with my bi-color pseudo, 2 clowns, lawnmower blenny, & golden headed sleeper goby. My fish did not have many aggression issues, occassionally the fish would chase each other. I think your tank is to the max for now and any additions would meet an untimely demise, IMO.


New Member
I appreciate the advice! They do do a bunch of chasing for sure. Unless others come in and comment I probably will take your advice and focus on bumping up the inverts which I know i'm kind of short of. I'm thinking about slowly integrating corals in there too... The next tank when I win the lottery will have less damsels and more big calm fish. Live and learn...
Still interetsed in green in the tank though so any other comments please jump in!
Thanks a ton


Just take the damels out. Sell them back to the lfs and get what you want. I will be taking my 2 out soon and selling the back to the lfs.


New Member
I dunno! It's tough to yank out the fish I've had for a while. They are pets! I was hoping to be able to keep them and add others that would be ok with them. If I got a calmer fish that was significantly larger do you think that could work? My largest and most dominant damsel is ~1.5 inches.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 3Door http:///forum/thread/379789/damsel-in-established-tank-advice#post_3302202
I dunno! It's tough to yank out the fish I've had for a while. They are pets! I was hoping to be able to keep them and add others that would be ok with them. If I got a calmer fish that was significantly larger do you think that could work? My largest and most dominant damsel is ~1.5 inches.
No. The tank is the damsels territory, and they feel as though they own the tank. If you subject a new fish to the tank, it will most likely get picked on leading to stress and secondary infections. I got bit by my damsels when I put my hand in the tank to do anything. When adding fish to a tank it is best to add the least aggressive fish fish and put the most aggressive in last.


New Member
Haha. I guess i'm going to have an angry tank then. Appreciate the advice....I think I'll try one or two and not load up the tank too much. While i have people looking at the post. I am looking at a greener tank with plants... any help??
nice to be on a forum that doesn't flame the noobs I appreciate it a lot


I had a cute damsel once...2 actually....the 3 spot black ones...they were nickel size when I got them...about 3" later, they starting to bite me and my husband, and bullied everything in the tank...close to 5 " later I finally got them out of the tank....YES, they were my pets at first too....but usually pets do not try to eat their owners

I can't help you with plants....sorry


New Member
Thanks. I think that i'm getting an agressive tank. Oh well it's how it happens I guess. I'm not getting rid of the damsels so anything I add will be more and more agressive I suppose. Appreciate the advice I won't get any more less agressive fish


New Member
I got bit by those bastards too! They are bullies for sure. Wrasse might bully more.... next thing I know i'm going to be putting a freakin shark in there.
Still looking for help on plants!
Thanks everyone.


Active Member
Ummm....You could try shaving brush, maiden hair, mermaid fan, halimeda and there are some algae plants. Green plants need lighting and some have calcium requirements. I just would be concerned with the fish uprooting them.


New Member
Thank you for your help. I'll look into all that and figure out whats best. I'll have to post some pics one of these days. Best of luck to you and your tank