Damsel problems


man if a fish did that to me it would go straight down the toilet. lol... unless it was my precious.
Well, if your trigger did that to you, well... You could say "bye bye!" To your finger.


Well-Known Member
I won't keep a pet that bites me... If it were my fish, it would either be rehomed or go to toilet heaven.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/397822/damsel-problems/40#post_3548015
I won't keep a pet that bites me... If it were my fish, it would either be rehomed or go to toilet heaven
i have only had one pet that would bite me on purpose and thats was my turtle. i got him when i was weee little, i just set him free into a koi pond recently wher he can harass koi for the rest of his days.but that succer bit me any time he could and it hurt, i will admit i miss that mean piece of s&#t.