Damsel yes, but what kind?


it is in the top of the photo, I have a YTBD and this isnt as blue, nor as yellow, its also more elongated. Its not particularly yellow on the belly either. Any help would be great... I just want to make sure I didnt get something that is going to get very large (the ytbd is already starting to get mean and I may return both of them honestly, not sure yet tho)


thats the thing a yellow tail blue damsel (i have one) is shaped like a 2,3 or 4 stripe (taller, not too long) this one is torpedo shaped....
Anyone else?


Active Member
No dice without a better pic. Try taking one with flash, it should stop the blurring.
From the shape, I think it's a damsel in the Pomacentrus genus, no idea what species...


I bought 25 of these for an eel tank, they were listed as false yellow tail damsels from my LFS's distributor. The few that survived the eel are quite aggressive.