Damsels fighting killing other fish?


Active Member
Everyone values life differently and everyone has a right to react to death the way they want to. I get upset - It bothers me to have a fish for almost a year and have it suddenly die. You get attached to anything after awhile. The kids get sad too. They have names for all the fish in my tank.
Wow did this thread get way OT.
Use LR for cycling.
Damsels put stress on other fish and will kill them.


i wouldnt add to much live rock at the beginning becaause as your parameters go up and down during cycling and arnt stable, anything that was on the live rock will die and it wont be live anymore..i wouldnt suggest using a bunch of lr at the beginning


Active Member
Umm.. I forgot what the topic was to begin with, and man am I suddenly hungry for a good steak!
Ok, seriously, cycling with damsels is not cool. The pet store industry considers them to be expendable. IMHO that is wrong. Can you imagine pet stores selling mutt puppies to test out your new fence before you bought the real dog you wanted? "Hey, if the mutt finds a hole in the fence and gets run over, np. Just fix the hole and then you can get your REAL pet". I'm not a vegitarian by any means, and I definitely consider human life aboove that of animals (see my profession) but I also am a firm believer that as aquarists we have a responsibility to do what is best for our pets. If people would quit killing off damsels then maybe the pet stores would quit selling them!
To answer the point of this original post: You *might* get lucky, but damsels usually are aggressive, territorial little villians.


Active Member
You all have very valid points... *pat on back*... and everyone has their right to them. But mine still stands that you shouldn't cycle the tank and no, i don't eat fish (period)... and ur reference to not buying fish can be related to buying dogs. What happens to most dogs if there not sold at the pet store. I will tell u the petstore i worked at i looked at all these answers, when an animal doesn't sell, etc... and the one i work on will lower the price drastically before the sell. wow i'm just rambeling,
cycle with lr, ls or frozen shrimp... i'm done.