damsels in distress


I bought two damsels for my 30 gallon, to start off with, and when I first introduced them to the water, (I did it right... I'm possitive of that), they were thier neon blue color. They seemed to stay in the bottom right corner together, but I thought they were fine. Anyways, it's been about 6 hours since I put them in the tank and they seem to be a darker more bland color. They're hovering around in the live sand bed... I saw one of them eat a flake.. Anyways, the ones in the store were swimmin' around, whiole mine aren't very active.
I'm new at this.. and these are my first SW fish.
Anyways, thanks for any replies.


Not to worry damsels often change color when stressed. Ther are actually acting normally and will come arouind in a day or two. Damsels also change to almost a black color at night when the lights are off but soon turn back to their electric blue color.


Thank you so much!! :D
I sort of guessed that too... but I was still worried!
The dakrer one is really cool. He'll change from a dark navy blue to a neon saphire.