Damsels....the bloody bastids


Already taken to the rock and are already having little fights over what cave is theres. Anyone have ideas to remove them? I dont wanna add a mantis shrimp to get em...that would be an ok idea except he would probably be harder to get out.

In the Dive shop I saw a "slurp gun" and I didn't know what it was, they told me it was used to collect tropicals...hmmm
Mini sized slurp guns on the market? Anyone know, that would be a fast efficent way....
Should I throw in a hook with some flake on it..eh? lol


Staff member
Go for the slurp gun. Damsels are near impossible to get out once in! Which is why I don't recommend using them to cycle, unless you really want to keep them.


The slurp gun was as long as my arm!
Don't think that will fit into my 30 gal...heheh
Unless there was a hand sized one....Just have to find one...anyone know where I could get one?


well while i was lfs.. i watched the guy use a very neet way... he would put his catch cup(the one that hangs on side when they do a net catch)and put it into corner... chased the damsell into it and then quickly grabed cup and pulle dout... should work as well with a lager clear cup oe deep bowl clear also ... i think the clear made the fish thinks its not in something when it was... lol try that..
i did on friends,,, worked really good..

mr . salty

Active Member
Take your net and leave it in the tank hanging over the side for a couple of days. Feed the fish and carry on as normal for this time. When they get used to it being in there,snag the bastids when you put the food in. That or get a big trigger. STEVE


I think I'll pass on the trigger(30gal tank remember). I'll try your idea tho..sounds good to me.


Turn the tank lights out and wait about 15-20 min. Usually you can go after them with the lights out and use a dim light so you can see. I've also put the net in the tank and fed the hungry buggers. While they're busy eating, I've been always able to catch them all. Both methods have been field tested and have always worked for me.


Active Member
I tried everything imaginable to get my 5 damsels out. Wanted to re-arrange LR anyway. so removed all rock, caught the little demons, and took back to LFS.


personally, the more the better, In a big tank. I like the yellow tail blues. They go great with the yellow tangs. If many are in the tank, 3 to whatever. They don't seem to fight. Sometimes they may push each other around or nip at a yellow who flashes his weapon but all in all they are a attractive feature to the tank.


what else do you plan on putting in there???? What kind are they ?? blues? try food in the net trick, works 80% of the time.


Well I think I have figured it out, everynight when my lights go out and my TV isnt. They will sink to the bottom, move some sand and hover .....they slept in the corners at first, now in a large cavity in the middle of some live rock. The easiest possible way I think is to let them settle and grab them in the night.

Krazzy- I have 2 Domino Damsels each around an inch or so. I also have an electric blue (think thats the name) its totally blue with a small black dot on the upper part of the back fin.(also see post called Hey Krazzy!!)
