damsels Vs. lions


ok just wandering what YOU would do, i have a 29g with 5 damsels and 3 green chromis and a choco chip, coralbanded shrimp, long tentical anemone but i would like to trade these in and get a lion and a snowflake eel i have been thinkin and thinkin but i dont know what to do and these damsels are a whole lot cooler than i thought but i would like to have the lion and one more question out of what i already have what could i keep?
since your question is what "I" would do if if was bored i would get an Undulate and watch it eat everything in the tank.
back to reality
the lion will eat anything it can fit into its mouth. try to trade the damsels for one of the smaller species lions. IMO the damsels are more active than a lion.
get the snowflake and watch him eat the inverts. and keep the damsels that would be cool too.


if u wouldve actually read i said what would i be able to keep with them mostly i was wandering about the long tentical because its already very very big and i was thinkin of a dwarf


In a 29g tank, the only thing I would keep would be the dwarf lion, and maybe one other fish too big for him to eat. I think the snowflake is going to be a bit crowded in there.
Since you are having so much trouble deciding, why don't you keep the 29g as it is, and get yourself another tank? A 40g or so would be a great size for the lion and snowflake, and this way you get to keep the damsels too!


New Member
I would definately get a dwarf for your tank. I have a Volitan lion fish with many other fish. I found that as long as the other fish are big enough then you won't have a problem. Funny though, I HAD some damsels.