

Active Member
my tank is cycling now with 4 damsels,2 of them are just staying under the filter and have lost their color and appear to be nipped at pretty good, has this happened to anyone else


Active Member
what type of damsels are they? Damsels for the most part are very aggressive and can be territorial...my guess is the other damsels are beating up the hurt damsels.


Active Member
the other problem is that ur cucling a tank with live fish...ur probably killing the fish...sorry to be so blunt but that is very likely what is happening. Try taking out those damsels and returning them and use some raw shrimp from the grocery store instead.

fish magnet

Eric is right, damsels like to pick on anything even there own kind. The two up by the filter will be toast if you don't get them out soon. They will be beat up by the strong two. The vicious cycle of life!!


Active Member
lfs said i needed life to start cycle so i got the 4 damsels,ps no place to put them,they will be gone soon thanks


Don't give up on them yet!! Although I am also
considering myself as a "newbe" since setting up
a 150 fowl in Oct 2001..more than 20 years ago,using only undergravel filers,had success
starting tanks with damsels and they lived thru
it and lasted for years. I started my new 150
with 2 blue yellowtails and two dominoes and
about 60 lbs of liverock.They are strong today and are cycling my quarantine tank. If you could atleast
get a tank dividor and separate the weaker ones
they may all make it. I believe its worth a try.
Good luck regardless!


Active Member
i have them separated now but one is pretty bad and laying upside down they took a beating we'll see what happens
dont sweat it. im cycling my tank with damsels and am having no problem. you just have to be sure to be patient!! it takes much longer but dont worry it can be done. keep at it
I cycled my tank with 12 damsels..... I have 1 left, but that was because I took all but 3 back. The 2 ended up dying from ich .... which I didn't treat in time :( I have a blue one and he is doing great and doesnt show any aggression.
I too cycled my tank with damsels. I placed 2 blue and 2 3-stripe damsels in. The 3-stripe would team together and the blue would do the same....which was kinda odd in my opinion but things happen. The 2 "armies" would always try to charge one another and a couple of them started showing signs of fin loss. I recently purchased a rather large cleaner shrimp and although it makes me laugh every time I see it, he plays referee. He actually positions himself right between the 2 groups of damsels. I am not sure if this is normal but the damsels are scared to death of the shrimp. Any time one of the damsels tries to go towards the oposite side, the shrimp immediately charges in and fends them off. Oddest thing I have ever seen. I have a peak of live rock that I reach down with food and the shrimp hops up to eat from my hand....wjile doing this, if he sees ANY attempt by a damsel to attack the other..he rushes back into position and resumes his "honorary mediator" role, hehe.