

Hi. I am wondering if I can add the following fish to a 46 gallon tank that already has a ocelarris clown, 2 chromis, and a yellowtail damsel:
Talbots Damsel
Yellow Damselfish
Pink Smith Damselfish
How many of each of these could I add? And, should I add them all at once, risking the bio-load, or add them seperately risking the established territories?


I wouldn't get anymore than the ones you already have. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I was told that if you have more than a few Damsels, they will act like a gang and pick on the other life in your tank. Sounds like you have a good stock already. JMO


Active Member
I would add them all at once and change around the rockwork to reduce territorial aggression. If the 46 is well established and has adequate liverock adding 3 (small) damsels wont cause any problems.
I can see by your name and what your asking you are already hell bent on keeping various damsel species so I take it you've already come to terms with the constant chasing and badgering that may come along with a tank full of damsels and clowns.
On a side note at least everything is still reef safe it you get bored with damsels.

yellow ace

Well, I wouldn't say I am bent on keeping damsels, I just really like that they are hardy, active, and colorful...the only setback is aggression.
The tank is a 46-gallon and has been set up for 1 3/4 years. I would like to find some good canidates for my tank, does anyone have suggestions? If anyone reading this has a 46-gallon tank, please post you livestock list!