

whats the best way to get rid of a small 1.5" damsel in a 30g with one hawk fish 2.5" and 3 hermits crabs and no corals?


Active Member
In no particular order
  • Trade Him
  • Flush Him
    Send him to me so my lion can eat him
This first option is the most humane


Active Member
you really don't want to put a lion in a 30G tank if he is big enough to eat a damsel he wont be happy in that small of a tank just FYI


Originally Posted by arsen_36
thats what i was leaning towards
but if theres another option please let me know :notsure:
OMG please don't put something in there just to EAT it!!!! no one you can give him to?


Originally Posted by arsen_36
yes i know i was planning on returning him after he eats the damsel

OMG please don't put something in there just to EAT it! You can't catch him, is he that much of a bother? If you can return a lion after eating the damsel why can't you just return the damsel?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
OMG please don't put something in there just to EAT it! You can't catch him, is he that much of a bother? If you can return a lion after eating the damsel why can't you just return the damsel?
BECAUSE the damsel is a much much faster swimmer than a lion. thus it being harder to catch than the slow smimming lion :thinking: . and does anyone know what food i should attract the damsel (omnivore) that wont attract my hawk (carnivore)


Try reading the entire thread...
If he could get the damsel out w/o taking out entire livestock to return it... he would. He is looking for ways to catch/get rid of it, and people are just giving their opinions. But seriously, i agree a lion would not be the smartest thing to put in there, if he can down your damsel.... he's only got another inch and the hawks gone too... i don't care how agressive he is. A lion will eat anything that fits in his mouth! You might want to listen to Adam tho, i've heard those things work out fairly well..


Also, on a less humane note, you could always try and "catch him offguard" by turning the light back on after being off for a while...
try attracting with formula 2, or another algae enriched flake for the damsel